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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. For all your drop shot needs
  2. Smallmouth like Skynyrd, Trout enjoy Barry Manilow
  3. Well I know everybody copies but those Megabass copies and Wiggle Wart copies were pretty blatant
  4. Yeah lucky strike seemed like a bait copying company
  5. We are all going to be silent very soon….and forever. Make noise while you can until you get the greater reward. I was very happy to see Tina leave Ike…he was a controller and abuser. But he had a nack for getting it done. He hired some great looking babes that could dance. You gotta admit you can’t take your eyes off those legs!!
  6. That’s great Bret! So proud of you guys!
  7. Especially on an iPhone
  8. When Chuck Norris was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. Never slap Chuck Norris.
  9. Tim retired from Chrysler and was involved with the Stream Team for many years and was a devoted member of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance. He was also a very talented rod builder and worked for Denny Dennis Sporting goods in the last few years as a buyer and a rod repair guy. About a week before he passed he was trying to get a rod back to Denny Dennis to return to a customer. That’s how dedicated he was. Anyone who knew him was a better person just for being around him. Many who commented on his wife’s Facebook post today could attest to that. I was actually amazed how tough he was in his 2 year battle with Cancer. Never complained about it, just looked forward and continued to live his life without feeling sorry for himself. Im really gonna miss him.
  10. Yea we went to the upper Mississippi and had a heck of a great trip…I’ll never forget
  11. We lost a great guy from this forum today. His name on this forum was Timinmo. Tim Kirchoff was one of the greatest guys I’ve ever met. Godspeed brother. I’ll see you again one day.
  12. A psychiatrist had a group of people attend one of his seminars. He asked the group of married couples. “Let’s see how well you know your spouse…what’s the last thing your spouse said last night?” A guy raises his hand and says “Stop grabbing me, it’s not your birthday!”
  13. The greatest story ever told
  14. First of all… There won’t be any fly fishing in heaven. Only conventional gear with artificial‘s are used. former fly fisherman have about six months to change their ways and repent.
  15. Yep but they’re not supposed to do that according to their Savior. The other guy’s savior was a pedophile and murderer.
  16. Sorry, I’m not fond of little boys and goats
  17. I’m buzzed on a mixed Old fashioned. I Don’t need your cabinet 😂
  18. Since I wasn’t a river tourney guy, I never needed the speeds of a larger outboard. I prefer the very nimble response of a tiller handle and the smaller boat was great if you ever got stuck on a rock…you could dislodge the boat by yourself. Trailering was also much easier. I could adjust a smaller boat from the side or end without re-trailering the boat for a slight misalignment during trailering. I felt like I could go slower speeds in tricky areas than a larger boat. I was able to get into smaller streams in general. Also less garage space taken.
  19. I started out with an express 1650 with a 60/40 mercury jet with a tiller. I graduated to an 1860 with console with a bigger motor… If I had it all to do over again, I would go back to the 1650 tiller. Too many reasons to list.
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