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Everything posted by rangerz21

  1. I will agree John's Hot Props has always been good to me
  2. bill i am not sure what ramp that you mention. there are several to put in atup there if you are seriously going do not ne afraid to rig 2 to 4 feet down in 6 to 8 feet of water on the channel swings this cold rain did affect them a little and they backed out rigging with minnows is by far the best if you have any questions just let me know

  3. Thanks to both of you for hashing this out. As some dont care it does affect the area business. I am always amazed at how all coditions downstream today at LOZ looking at Herman guage is fine so they shut the water off at LOZ And shut the flow down at Truman but Pomme has continued to release the same for almost a week.
  4. MoPan thanks for replying. I fully understand that the irritating thing is all the small creeks and streams that flow into all these lakes are silted in also and these lakes cant hold the volume of water that they use to. it frustrating that they could be getting rid of this water and the keep jacking with the flow they are almost to the point where there power is worth nothing because of the elevation and they wont release on the weekends and then slow they slow the flow down at night just go ahead and get it down. I personally dont remember the lake being at 706 in the last 3 years maybe longer i dont know. Not arguing the point with you appreciate your explanation understand flood control but also understand common sense and sometimes i wonder if the people making these decisions understand it.
  5. Mopan i know you work for the Corps i understand your defending your employer. But there is nothing you can say that defends the way they have managed these lakes one time you tell us to watch the Guage in Herman MO. Okay we do that no problem water will be fine. The SWPA needs to say screw Amerun and get rid of some water. LoZ can dump it and lower there Lake no harm no foul. i Guarantee you you will get enough Spring Rains to fill all your lakes up. Would be nice to see all these Corps lakes get a much needed NORMAL Elevation spawn off without a major rise or Spawn tired of hearing these lakes were built for flood control. I guess my annual rant is over Common Sense is all gone. We will never have a major spring rain again
  6. it is crazy truman has not been 706 in a couple years. I did see they got some water out of LOZ . The Missouri is not high do not understand why they are not getting some water out more Moisture coming this week.
  7. How awesome of the Corps of Engineers to hold these lakes so High in January.
  8. No Problem it is just up the tebo from where the grand river arm meets the tebo, The clean water is sandwiched in there and they are every where in those pockets when you go to the back of them feeding on that sawdust. If yoiu know where Long Shoal Marina is that would be the closest Marina about 2 miles from there
  9. The Tebo from T6 up is full of carp in the fresh flooded grass. Take lots of arrows and have fun
  10. That Bluegrass Band is Green side up Great band
  11. Hope it is not in teal bend their Home owners assoc is a crooked bunch of theives
  12. i fished the Lower Grand friday and saturday the main lake on my guage was 50.1 and in the bigger creeks towards the i saw 53 but the smaller ones didnt change
  13. MOpan do they have this kind of chart for Truman Thanks for the info
  14. I am sure you are right Thanks for the reply
  15. Thanks mopan do you know if truman will have anything like this Thanks
  16. Amazing how every state can stock Bass and Crappie But Missouri had the best conservation department. Bur every other State stocks Bassand crappie with a very high succes rate. The largest Hatchery in the state is Lost Va;;ey fish hatchery in Warsaw Mo is empty 95 percent of the ponds have been dry for years. And they wont make a attempt to stock a bass a Half mile away in Truman Lake.
  17. 32 degree nights with a cloudy day with the high being 48 doesn't warn the water very fast need some warm rain would help a bunch. Kast night areas around state park had hail the size of peas 3 inches deep
  18. 44 degrees on the lower end tuesday afternoon
  19. Dot out today caught them on the Lower end Really Good over brush piles 20-25fow about 12 feet down
  20. I would agree champ she put it on alot of anglers when i drew her on the front or back including me.
  21. Yes right now you can put in at shawnee bend,state park,or long shoal fish any bluff you should see the shad at 22-24fow the lake could be as deep as 40 foot all you need to do is fish the bait balls very typical for this time of year
  22. What area of the Lake are you fishing????
  23. Your right Champ Wayne and his wife have there hands tied. They came up to Truman Lake and i know didn't cover there expenses. So for that i would like to thank them for doing that. Great People a lot of work just so we can do something that we enjoy. The last fall event was windy and they knew that attendance would be low but they still drove up and put it on Thanks Wayne
  24. Great article champ. I have been fishing a jerk bait now foe only 30 yrs. i feel Mike hit it on the head i use a 6'6" rod on the old rebels. And a 6' rod on the newer style jerkbaits
  25. To bad Sounded great to me
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