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Jason R.

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Everything posted by Jason R.

  1. Its on a size 2 8089- Id say the body is around an inch and a half long, the angle on the lip is about 45 degrees give or take. I have made these in several sizes and its hard to mess them up as long as they are kind of curved- like with the belly cut out. That way they stay upright- just like a crankbait. The tail is just a single marabou plume with a little flash and a hen hackle skirt. I'll work up an sbs once i get my tying stuff settled down- we just bought a house so we are in the midst of the horror that is moving.
  2. Well I do most of it before but there is definitely some touch up sanding after it is mounted.
  3. I will work one up- if you can make a balsa popper- you can make this. Its more sanding and gluing than tying really.
  4. I enjoy working with balsa. I also like to fish the "wiggle minnow" for smallmouth= so I made a balsa version. Nothing too original- this is a balsa diver- but the shape of the head really gives it some wiggle. Pretty simple to make/tie. Really anxious to try this when the bass get more active. Already stuck some pond bass with it.
  5. I bought the stuff wal mart sells that is like rhino lining and did the inside of my Jeep with it. That stuff is good but not as rubbery as the name brand. It is cheap too- maybe $40?
  6. I wont even let my wife fire my 12 gauge- I don't want to get it all scratched up... oh ya and I don't her to get hurt too! I love when they let Biden speak.
  7. Wish I could have done this one! Moving to a new place and the tying crap has to get packed up... bummer.
  8. Thats a great rod- and sounds like a good deal.
  9. Jason R.


    I guess it fits- it was from a creek in Arkansas- we only waded about 100 yards from a very well used low water bridge- caught this one right in the local's swimming hole and my father caught this one about two minutes before: Granted- here is holding it very close to the camera- but it was similar to the one I caught.
  10. Jason R.


    Wow I actually used to think this was a big smallie....
  11. I accidentally wear mine into the building i work in all the time. They just change color so fast and you forget that they are on your head. Then you look like a tool wearing sunglasses inside. Can't beat them for shady rivers and cloudy days. I want to get some grey lenses in either Costas or Smiths for carp and bass fishing out on the lake- sometimes the amber just doesn't cut it.
  12. That black carp fly looks just like my favorite carp fly except with the legs added- may need to try it with legs.
  13. Love my 6- well I lost my good one in Taney, but smallies, streamers, hoppers etc.- yep the 6 was a good buy. My favorite rod to fish for white bass is my 6.
  14. Jason R.


    Dude I've found that it is really hard to get the lips to work unless the fly has some flotation on top. Maybe the articulation helps stabilize it too- haven't tried that. I've had good success with stuff like this for bass: But it might float too much for your purposes. Basically a balsa "wiggle minnow."
  15. I agree with ness. I'm fairly young and I have guns just to be a bad***. Also to shoot cans.
  16. Ness- I have the amber glass polychromic ones too and they are the best. I have lots of glasses but i pretty much wear the Smiths all the time.
  17. I used to wear my Costas all the time until i got some Smith's. I prefer the Smith's but Costas are legit.
  18. I might be interested in a tailwaters swap. Smallmouth sounds good too.
  19. Good call. I'd hit the White every time over the Little Red if it were closer.
  20. Well, sometimes. I mostly use an 18 under a 16. Size 20s and 22s and sometimes the ticket but I hate dealing with them. I have all the way down to size 32 in my box but I dont think it is fun after about size 20 to tie the fly on or to land fish. I'd start out with a 16 with a tungsten bead and put on an 18 or 20 under that.
  21. I hate to weigh in on politics, but I'll go against my better judgment- Just an anecdotal point. Criminals do not follow laws. Take this guy- Dr. Randeep Mann- this guy had 98 grenades... in Russelville, AR. I knew this guys daughter- she went to my high-school There are lots of laws against the stuff he had- and guess what? He blew a guy up. Think he cared about the laws against owning 98 grenades? Who says the next shooter won't get his "assault weapon" from the same guy that sold Dr. Mann his grenades? This guy was a doctor- background check wouldn't have stopped him. Plus I'm not sure if grenade stores run background checks...
  22. I'm sure you don't want GPS coordinates or anything but all the public accesses are pretty good- its not a huge river. Pretty much all techniques and flies for the White will work on the LR- except maybe think smaller. Midges in the classic colors, san juan worms are always good and maybe a few small dries. You may want to bring some streamers as well. I definitely do the best with midges at pretty much all times of the year.
  23. Yes they do- funniest thing ever in college. Whenever your buddy got arrested, you could print out the mug shot or save it as your background. What a great sort of crime deterring idea. http://www.co.washington.ar.us/index.aspx?page=109
  24. That is a brown trout from the white river in my pic- does look like a pike or something when the picture is so small. I just use all the standards down there- midges, scuds, sow bugs, soft hackles etc. I like the little red mainly because it is the closest trout water to where I live.
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