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Rule of thumb, is 3 minutes to backdown, launch and remove your rig from the ramp. m this 3 minute rule has been in almost every outdoor mag. from Bassmaster to Outdoor Life.

Rules for launch should be posted on the ramp, it would really help.

Motor toter should be off and and all equipment ready for the launch before you put your rig into the launch order If you are in order, you are not putting gear in your boat, unhooking straps or visiting If folks are having trouble, it only takes a second to help.

This however can backfire. I took one of the worse cussin I have ever had by offering to back a rig down the ramp, from the lady that was trying to back it and her husbund that was sitting in the boat as she continued to jackknife the trailer from one side of the ramp to the other.

I have litterly helped dozens of times probably over a hunderd, and have never once been thanked. Most often scouled at by the drivers, and reluctently allowed to assist, with absolutely no appreciation.

Best approach is probably patients. I have interfered a couple of times as men gave their wifes a cussin, for not either being able to load the boat on a trailer that was to deep or to back the rig into the proper position.

When the guides are launching at Cooper Creek, as a guide line, we can launch 3 at a time. It takes less that 2 minutes to back the ramp tie the boat and remove the rig from the ramp.

Take a deep breath, if you feel you can help and won't be deemed as an interloper, please offer.

If all else fails, laugh. ;)

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Funny stuff .... For a good time: Set-up a lawn chair (in spring or summer) at the boat ramp and just watch. Set-up an hour after daylight and right at dusk. I have seen many a jack-knifed trailer. Trailers/boats run into docks. Submerged launching vehicles. Major cussings between family members. Boats running into boats. Fisticuffs. Boats running into docks. Gear/keys/cellphones/rods-n-reels/beer coolers overboard. Boats falling off of trailers in parking lots (beached whales). People falling out of boats and off of docks.

Wrench .... "boats in coves running in circles with nobody in them" ...... classic!

The 3M rule is right-on! It should take no more than that. I have backed many a trailer down a boat ramp for those who seem lost.

I have always thought there should be some kind of required training. PC

Cheers. PC

Funny stuff .... For a good time: Set-up a lawn chair (in spring or summer) at the boat ramp and just watch. Set-up an hour after daylight and right at dusk.

Exactly ! You know you're in for a good time when the Escalades and Bayliners start pulling in.


i try the 3m rule, but my motor sometimes gives me the fits...

the best is the cars that hog the middle of a two vehicle ramp......


I think I can be patient for about 10 mintes worth of non sense. I would have started getting pretty annoyed after that.

It's nice to offer to help, but as others have noted sometimes folks won't let you help.

I think we are preaching to the choir. Most folks on here know to load and unload out of the way AND know to only take up one lane at the ramp.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


When fishing with a partner, even the three minute rule is longer than necessary. Get everything ready to launch before getting in line, have one of you in the boat and ready, back it down until it starts to float slightly, hit the brakes sharply, the boat slides off, pull out...one minute tops.

When fishing by myself in the jetboat, I simply get the boat ready, everything detached, tie a 30 foot section of rope from the front of the boat to the wench pedestal on the trailer, back it down, hit the brakes, it floats off. Pull out slowly and carefully until the trailer is mostly out of water, get out quickly, grab the rope at the pedestal and pull the boat into the bank off the ramp, untie the rope from the trailer and tie the boat off so it doesn't float away in the current, and pull out. Maybe 2-3 minutes.

Loading, just back the trailer in, get in the boat and drive it up on the trailer, hook the wench and crank it up the rest of the way, and pull out.

Problem is that most people don't plan ahead and don't practice any part of this...don't know how far to back the trailer in, can't back up, can't drive the boat onto the trailer. A little practice, a little attention to detail, and it should be easy...except when launching into strong current. That can be tough.

But I call it the "center of the universe" syndrome. There are a lot of people who never think of anybody but themselves, whether it be at the launch ramp, in the grocery store when they park their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle, or stop in doorways to figure out where they want to go...they are sure that the universe revolves around them.


See, Buckshotdad1960 would have handled that differently!

Being this happened in Minnesota I would have gotten out of the truck in my underwear, tied on my cape and grabbed my sword and shield out of the back. Then I would have marched right down the hill and just stood there glaring at them with a mean stare. When they asked me what the hell I wanted I would have yelled out “THIS IS SPARTA” and kicked there boat back into the ice hole of death! LOL

I’m sorry, but Buckshotdad1960 has a bit of a temper! At least people tell me I do because it’s always flaring up like a pack of hemorrhoids! I start pushing people around, kicking them off their boats, jumping in the water biting them; I always end up drowning someone! LOL Yeah and I don’t even own a boat! LOL

Remember this is Minnesota; it’s not like the rest of the country where we enjoy boating year round. Up there you only have a week or two before the lakes freeze back over so anyone found lacking in their mariner skills deserves to die! LOL


I’m not trying to condone Crappiemagnets actions at all. In fact I find them inexcusable! I mean I can understand it being so cold you don’t want to get out of the truck but what a wussy! Come on! At least man up and invest in a long shot riffle! LOL

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!

Boats launced without bilge plugs in....and people scrambling to get the boat back on the trailer before it sinks.

Does that really happen? :rolleyes:

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.



I'll be the first to admit that I, truly, suck at loading and unloading a boat. However, I have solved this problem by not owning a boat. I, pretty much, only wade fish or fish from a canoe or as a passenger on a boat. :lol:


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.

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