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Great story Chief, don't be serving shiners when we come down though :)

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor

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Good for you Andy! Great story Chief...same thing happened to some friends of mine a couple years ago.

That seems to happen to me anytime I don't have a back up meal. I think the fish feel the desperation in your presentation.

"The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it." –Abraham Lincoln

Tales of an Ozark Campground Proprietor

Dead Drift Fly Shop

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Here's a pic of my 2nd best Smallie which I caught last yr in MO.


Now who wants to hear a good fish story?

2 years ago I was fishing a 20+ mile 2 day trip in a southern Mo stream when I hooked up with my biggest Smallie to date. It was late into the afternoon of day 2 and my buddy and I beach the canoe on the downside point of a small gravel island. Beautiful spot where the left and right channels of the stream merge back together and a good rapid forms. I catch several little smallies from the right and left side while wading in the middle. Spot slows down and we're preparing to leave when I toss my Rebel crawdad crank one last time to the right side channel and it gets slammed, rod buckles over and drag starts screaming on my Shimano Sahara as the fish bolts downstream. My buddy runs over and right as I'm saying how I think it's a catfish, the Smallie makes a huge jump at least 60 yrds downstream and we both scream expletives in amazement! My buddy grabs the net and I manage to fight her all the way back up stream, only to watch her dart through my buddies legs, and instincively right into the swift right side channel and back downstream again. Somehow I get her back upstream, and she breaks for the left side channel and back downstream once again?!?! For the third time I fight her all the way up the rapid, buddy nets her while toppling backwards in 3 ft of water, and all I see is his hand sticking up out of the water holding the net up with my fish in it! She was awesome! Lotta girth and had to be hovering around 4.5 lbs. We high five, take some nice pics with my phone, release her and finish the float. Fast forward to that evening, I'm nodding out in the passengers seat when buddy pulls over to heavy weeded side of road to adjust canoe on roof and I hop out to help. Get back in car and a few miles down the highway he asks if I got my phone? I tell him it's in the middle console and he says that he had grabbed it thinking it was his and tossed it in my lap while i was sleeping... Well there's still a Blackberry on the side of hywy 44 in the weeds with pics of my trophy Smallie on it. I had marked the length on my pole and it turned out to be just over 22''. Talk about the one that got away!?!? By far the greatest fish fight I've ever had.

Moral of the story? Just because you catch several little smallies out of a spot it doesn't mean there's not a hawg under there that's not as fast as the little ones. And don't drop your phone that has the only pics of your personal best in the weeds!!!

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That is a good fish story, thanks.

His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974

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I caught my best a few weeks ago on a jitterbug on the Bourbeuse River next to a root wad. Of course I didn't have a tape measure on hand but it was a 15-16" fish. I've gotten a bit more serious about stream bassin in the past year so hopefully that mark will be bested sooner than later.

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