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Back in the day the only time we took photos of fish was back at the dock or ramp or in your back yard so if you were commited to catch and release no photos even an Instamatic was to big to carry in your vest. My boat camera was a Cannon AE1 which cost an arm and a leg and a weeks pay and was never allowed in a canoe. Most of the phones and cameras and I phones whatever, most of my life were science fiction. The first cell phone I had after my heart attack in 97 was a bag phone because the smaller phones were unreliable because the battery technology lagged behind. Obviously I didn't wade by myself for a few years.Now we have smaller batteries that are reliable except in airplane use.

The BAG PHONE!!!! :yarr:

It was a home phone in a bag!

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my two biggest where caught on impoundments the biggest a touch over six# on Pickwick lake in a championship tourney I was so dissapointed that I only had two keepers and that she wasn't gonna get a sniff at big bass I didn't snap a pic. The other was a 5 3/4 # bute from Table Rock on Christmas eve 08 I have a pic of that fish somewhere on an old hard drive. My biggest river fish came on the gasconade and was bout 5# I didn't weigh or measure it no pic of her was in a crowded stretch landed her in the net and let her go.


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Oh man! I have to get in on some of this! This is a great thread!

While guiding one weekend in Arkansas a few years ago, I caught my personal best in a trib of the Arkansas river. Actually caught it on a fly. We were hunting some trout and I was tossing my famous #36 Pecker Gnat tied with Musk Ox testical hair.

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The client I was guiding that day also caught his personal best. How cool is that!! I make it a rule to never post client pics or reports but I am making an exception this time. He still makes it down here for some fishing occasionally and we always work this day into our converstion before he heads back home.

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Here goes "the spoon"... stiring the soup. I love this guy.

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I got one just under 20 inch mark. Never got one bigger than that. I don't get out all that much.. too much darn basketball. Should slow down next year now that the kid graduates in the spring.

More fishing for me maybe....

There are some real monsters in this thread though.. HATS off fellows.

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CWF, did you see how young and dumb I was? I have pictures from back just a little earlier than that with limits of mixed smallmouth and largemouth lying on the concrete sidewalk at my parents' house. I think I stopped keeping a limit of bass every time sometime about 1972, but I was still impressed enough with those two fish to have them mounted. I won't ever mount another one, I promise :)

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