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By Special To McDonald County Press

Thursday, July 18, 2013

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The McDonald County Post 392 baseball team is hosting the first Big Bass Bash at 8 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 3.

A shotgun start will be held at Dabbs Greer Town Hole Park in Anderson.

The entry fee is $25.

Only one fish is allowed at weigh-in.

Participants must have a current fishing license.

Each bass kept must meet river or creek length limit (15 inches on the Elk River, 12 inches on all other streams).

Participant can fish any creek or river in McDonald County.

Fish must be a smallmouth bass caught on day of tournament. Fish must be alive.

Weigh-in is at 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. at Dabbs Greer Town Hole Park. Participant is allowed to weigh in only one fish at one time.

Prize to be awarded for big bass will be based on number of entries.

All proceeds go to support the McDonald County American Legion baseball team.

For more information, call Nick Martin at 417-592-3265.




That sounds like fun. To bad it is so far away.


It sounds like they are gonna kill some smallmouth for the benefit of a legion team???? pretty stupid if you ask me.....just do a CPR tourney instead....oh well it is 2013 and the gene pool is getting thinner and we are getting more stupid by the day.


Sad day when they are using native smallmouth to generate revenue. IDK why, but this really bothers me. I lived in Mc County for 5 years and I am pretty certain there will be some big Smallmouth killed that day if there is even 100$ on the line for 1st place. Live bait will be the bait of choice for big fish, fish will be hooked deep and driven all around in a cooler to the 'weigh-in'.


Looks like it has been rescheduled for this weekend.


Friday, August 16, 2013

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Special To McDonald County Press

The McDonald County Post 392 baseball team’s First Annual Big Bass Bash has been rescheduled for Saturday, Aug. 24.

A shotgun start will be held at 8 a.m. at Dabbs Greer Town Hole Park in Anderson. The tournament was postponed due to high water Aug. 3 and Aug. 10.

The entry fee is $25. Only one fi shis allowed at weigh-in.

Participants must have a current fi shing license.

Each bass kept must meet river or creek length limit (15 inches on the Elk River, 12 inches on all other streams).

Participant can fish any creek or river in McDonald County. Fish must be a small mouth bass caught on day of tournament. Fish must be alive.

Weigh-in is at 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Dabbs Greer Town Hole Park. Participant is allowed to weigh-in only one fish at one time.

Prize to be awarded for big bass will be based on number of entries. All proceeds go to support the McDonald County American Legion baseball team.

For more information, call Nick Martin at 417-592-3265.

Sports, Pages 9 on 08/15/2013




It sounds like they are gonna kill some smallmouth for the benefit of a legion team???? pretty stupid if you ask me.....just do a CPR tourney instead....oh well it is 2013 and the gene pool is getting thinner and we are getting more stupid by the day.

I didn't catch that... just assumed C&R.


It sounds like they are gonna kill some smallmouth for the benefit of a legion team???? pretty stupid if you ask me.....just do a CPR tourney instead....oh well it is 2013 and the gene pool is getting thinner and we are getting more stupid by the day.

I couldn't agree more.

Why the hell are river tournaments even legal?

His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974


Yeah I don't like the weigh in process there. Not many creek fisherman are equipped to keep a fish alive all day. I fished a RiverBassin Trail tourney a couple years ago. It was a blast. Anybody familiar with it? Unfortunately I think the main guy ran out of time and/or funds, so it ended.


This bothers me as well. Bird watcher is right on with his statement. I live in Newton county and fish those streams all the time. They make it sound real good though.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!

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