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Great fish!!!

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


Nice fish!

I'd say the upper would be above the mouth of the Osage Fork, or say above Hazelgreen, the middle would be from there to the mouth of the Big Piney, or maybe Jerome, and anything below that would be lower. Either that, or extend what you call the middle down to Vienna. But the two tributaries both add a lot of water and change the character of the river somewhat, so they make convenient dividing points.

Anyway, there isn't anybody that can have final authority on it, so call the middle whatever you want, except I'm pretty sure it would be below Competition and above Mt. Sterling :)


Al's "zoning" sounds good to me. I guess I caught it in the lower section in that case.


Great fish. Nice hat. Is that the "normal" water color for that area Seth? (looking at the water in the background of your picture)


Great fish. Nice hat. Is that the "normal" water color for that area Seth? (looking at the water in the background of your picture)

It's usually a little bit cleaner than this but I think this was about perfect for fishing. The bass were hungry and were smacking buzzbaits and spinnerbaits pretty good all day long. I've not had much luck with those type of baits when it's low and really clear. I'd say visibility was 2-3'. There is a big difference in water clarity most of the time between this area and the water above Vienna. You can see twice as deep above Vienna versus down here a lot of the time.


The 3.08 that beat mine looked to be the same length but it more "shoulders". This fish was pretty skinny compared to the majority of our fish that day.

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