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38 Degrees Tonight


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Its supposed to get down to 38 tonight here in Stockton and wondering if i should cover my tomatoes or not

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Cloud cover here, probably not a chance of frost. As wet as the ground is there will probably be enough ice to protect them.

Mine have been puny and a nice shade of yellow. It has been almost a week since we have had dry sunshine. Over 8 inches so far since it started on Sunday and another rolling thru.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

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i checked again after i first posted and another weather channel said 35 degrees and frost.I rounded up all my 5 gallon buckets and empty flower pots,ice cream buckets,3 cold packer pots, and even my lantern cases and got everything covered.Knowing my luck i will get some of the famous stockton winds and everything will be blown into one corner of the garden.

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I had 39 and spotty frost in open areas. The clouds blew out after the last rain sometime after dark last night.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

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My beans got singed a little, but that's the extend of the damage. Funny -- in my little garden the maters and peppers are at one end and the beans are at the other. No frost on maters and peppers, but frost on everything else about 10 feet away.


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We were up at Truman camping so I couldn't cover my tomoatoes and they got zapped. I replanted them yesterday. My pepper plants weren't covered either, but they still seem to look healthy so I left them be.

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