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Plug I appreciate the advice. A deadly threat will be met with deadly force. That's the only way to go. In truth it would be selfish not to have that approach because if he's still alive then he's still a threat to everyone. Here's a sad reality though, even if you do get the bad guy you still have a web of legal issues coming because some distant relative will certainly want to sue you over it. Look at ferguson lol. Still protecting innocent life is a God given right and duty for us all so it's worth the risk. A friend that has had to take lives on duty has always been taken to court no matter how justified it was. It's the world we live in with zero self accountability.

Now the gun fight thing, again we don't know the variables. He may not know I'm around or armed and be threatening someone else. Say a gas station hold up for example. Oakso keep in mind it's a high stress situation. He may miss. It's possible anyway. That's why any ccw holder should shoot and dry fire regularly. Also practice drawing, pressing out, and aiming your weapon in front of a mirror. Most bad guys do not train this way. Muscle memory works in everything we do from fishing to shooting.

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The thread has officially gone off the rails of the crazy train now. Went from a tournament date announcement to the shootout at the O.K. Corral. Easy cowboy.

and you and everyone else shares the blame by contributing. I'm only responding to comments directed at me so if they weren't made to begin with perhaps it wouldn't have gone this far? Maybe? Possibly?

While reading that....something occurred to me. If the gun is kept "in your truck" or "in your boat" then shouldn't you be "legal and abiding" ?

Maybe technically you'd want a gun in both, just so you wouldn't be "removing/brandishing" it when your body was in between.

I don't think carrying one wherever you go 24/7 should be outlawed.. .but I do think doing so is terribly OCD.

I agree with 5bites that the COE ruling is stupid.

One thing that bugs me about guys that are all about CCW is that you never have to wonder who they are because THEY WILL TELL YOU EVERY CHANCE THEY GET.

Guys (and gals) that conceal-carry all the time just love to announce it or point it out. What does that say about the mentality of it all ?

Seems like a good way to get blndsided and knocked in the head to me.

Do they touch on that any during CCW training ? Ya know.... "Conceal with your mouth also" kinda thing ?


5bites I was in feguson a few weeks ago. My wife grew up in that area 50 yrs ago. I would venture to say by far the greatest percentage of people there have not got involved in any of this. A lot of those people are coming from in St Louis city and a nearby town called Kinlock. One of my sons customers is a black family over there and the tather is a senior VP at Mac Donald/ Douglas. Lot of good people over there But the St Louis Post Dispatch keeps stoking the problem. They have been running a daily column about Ferguson. some of it bent toward sensatioalism.


5bites, certainly no problem on Grand unless GRDA has rules against gun possession. Don't know and sure don't want to contribute to the extension of this thread by getting into that.



5bites I was in feguson a few weeks ago. My wife grew up in that area 50 yrs ago. I would venture to say by far the greatest percentage of people there have not got involved in any of this. A lot of those people are coming from in St Louis city and a nearby town called Kinlock. One of my sons customers is a black family over there and the tather is a senior VP at Mac Donald/ Douglas. Lot of good people over there But the St Louis Post Dispatch keeps stoking the problem. They have been running a daily column about Ferguson. some of it bent toward sensatioalism.

No doubt I'm sure it's a great town. I'm sure you know I was referring to the situation there.


While reading that....something occurred to me. If the gun is kept "in your truck" or "in your boat" then shouldn't you be "legal and abiding" ?

Maybe technically you'd want a gun in both, just so you wouldn't be "removing/brandishing" it when your body was in between.

I don't think carrying one wherever you go 24/7 should be outlawed.. .but I do think doing so is terribly OCD.

I agree with 5bites that the COE ruling is stupid.

One thing that bugs me about guys that are all about CCW is that you never have to wonder who they are because THEY WILL TELL YOU EVERY CHANCE THEY GET.

Guys (and gals) that conceal-carry all the time just love to announce it or point it out. What does that say about the mentality of it all ?

Seems like a good way to get blndsided and knocked in the head to me.

Do they touch on that any during CCW training ? Ya know.... "Conceal with your mouth also" kinda thing ?

If have clarify the vehicle thing. I'd rather in be in a good guys possession though rather than "loose" for some their to get a hold of. I do keep mine stored in the boat while fishing though. In a holster too.

I can't completely disagree about the talking thing. Maybe as friends or in conversation but to say people announce it everywhere they go is as false as can be. The only reason anyone here knows I am is because of the question I asked Oakley. I'd have done it privately had I known some people would get their feelings hurt. Never the less they got educated. But no I disagree from my experience anyway. I've fished all day in other people's boats that have no idea I was carrying. It wasn't worth mentioning imo. If you do actually run into people flaunting it tell them to be quiet. They're doing it wrong. It's call concealed for a reason.


5bites, certainly no problem on Grand unless GRDA has rules against gun possession. Don't know and sure don't want to contribute to the extension of this thread by getting into that.

Lol! Understood. OK is a good, gun friendly, conservative state. In my case to many in-laws live there though.


The direction this thread has taken is the best possible example of why guns have no business in a tournament anglers boat during an event. I fully respect everyone's opinion and as stated we offered the information behind our decision. We never want anyone to miss out on our events for any reason and can make a strong argument that they're not like any other event and well worth attending. Regardless, we will take care of those who show up and put on a great event as always.

Thanks everyone, maybe this part of the dialogue can be over...


some people would get their feelings hurt.

Not at all. I run my mouth over the stupidest stuff sometimes. Ask Wrench. I piss him off on a regular basis and we are buddies.

If you do actually run into people flaunting it tell them to be quiet. They're doing it wrong. It's call concealed for a reason.

No argument there.



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