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Everyone has prob chased ol wise tales about where and when to find morels. I know i did starting out as a rookie shroom hunter. Not every block of timber or Property will have them. They are kinda picky about ahere they come up. Im no biologist or scientist this is my ways of finding morels.

I start with searching the timber looking at the trees. Im looking up more than down. I look for spoth with ash ash and black oaks. In the areas and properties I hunt they are the best targets for me. There's not many elm poplar or apple trees so i narrowed it down to these 2 trees. I have found them in feilds around walnut trees and close to creeks on sacamore trees. I key on south facing early in season and north later. Thick canopy forest later also. 3 to 4 days after rain i hit the woods but temps have to hold also. When the lows at night are in mid 50s and highs are 65+ I know its time.

Small morels...i have been told when they pop they dont grow anymore. BS they will grow for several days as long as conditions are right. If you find some fresh smalls and you can leave them and come back and get them in a few days. I Have done this and its the truth. Again guys this is just my experiences not the only way or ways on morels.

I wanted to share some GOOD HONEST info on finding morels. I would love to hear from other shroomers on finding morels and other wise tails debunked. If willing to share. I do great on the properties i hunt but struggle in far northern and southern MO. Thanks for reading and good luck to all.


They grow on the edges and open spots first. As it warms up look in the woods. It takes time and boot leather to find a bunch.


Dont forget sycamores.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

— Hunter S. Thompson


Good post.

Put in the legwork and time it right and you'll find morels. Best to not get hung up on looking for elms and abandoned apple orchards like you hear about so much.



I seldom find very many, but I don't specifically go hunting for them.

The biggest batch I ever found was under some cedars. So I think the things can pop up just about anywhere.


I bought a few of those "grow your own morel" kits online and followed the instructions EXACTLY for 2 years. I even watered them with distilled water to as not to introduce and city water additives. I had invisioned morels so big I would need a hatchet to chop them down, but not a single morel. Not one!

If I cant find them in a pristine, cared for patch then I have no hope of finding them in the wild.

However, I do have some of the best quality composted soil to add to my garden later on this year.

Remember - If at first you DO succeed, try not to act surprised & quit while you're ahead.


I have found that ash trees are a decent indicator. I found twenty large ones yesterday under an ash that was rooting down a creek bed. I have also found them near big dead sycamore trees along the river while fishing. Mostly ash trees though. Cedars every once in a while. The soil I think is big factor.


I am new to "hunting" them foresay...i used to have access to 1500 acers and have known where they come up since i was a kid. I now know why mushroomers are so secretive...ive probably walked 25 miles in the last 3 days with no avail. I have one small spot that produces up at stockton but thats it...im just now learning trees and it seems if you know where ash flats are you got it made...at least this year. Ive been everywhere from lawrence county to dade count. Any advice on finding these areas on top of what i already know like get out and walk is greatly appriciated. Thanks for all the info so far and good luck.


I hunt up around stockton and one thing i can tell you about hunting on the lake is DONT PARK CLOSE TO WHERE YOUR FINDING THEM. I have one spot up there on corps land right off the HY i use to park off road and walk 20 yrds and get a sack full. Well guess some caught on cause the last few times I've been in that area all that was there was stumps where someone got some easy shrooms. One thing i can tell ya is around the lake i look for black oaks. There not really a mother load tree but i usually get 1-3 off them in spots. Cedar, dade, and polk counties i can tell you this works. My last trip to hunt the lake i got 25 on youth Turkey all off balck oaks. I havent found any huge ash flats around the lake but if you do keep it to yourself and keep checking it and you'll get them. Walnut trees around the lake on field edges have also payed off for me. Just keep scouting and get to know your trees. Look up and out in front of you more then down. When you find the right tree then look down and all around. You'll get what i mean after finding known trees and areas. I take poeple who have never found any and tell them see that tree way up ahead? Yes that one up there the ash and they walk up and get a few. They always say well what about all these other trees. Well not all trees will have shrooms around them but when you know what to look for you can scan an area and rule out alot of trees without walking and walk to the best trees. Hope this helps you bud. Good luck around the lake they're there if you get to them first. Haha

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