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Specific situations I guess, yeah.

But you're out there to FISH, right?

How soon do you honestly need to get to where you can cast? Just leave 4 minutes earlier and enjoy the scenery.

Yes I know about "outrunning storms" and all that, but most tornados poke along at about 30 mph so even if you keep casting until cows start flying through the air you can still stop fishing and stay ahead of it at 50-55 mph. And if you come upon an unexpected roller or a floating object you'll not be testing your kill switch.

I got tossed out at 72mph once and I promise you it SUCKS.


Had lunch with a friend today that services the big boats on Beaver. He was telling me about a 38' Formula on Beaver with twin 700HP MCMs that was rated for 120MPH lightly loaded. That's just too much for a lake that only allows 15-20 seconds of visibility at that speed at the best, and 5 seconds at the worst.

... it all depends on who is sheriff. Some are not so good...

Absolutely. The current BC sheriff is a decent guy, but we had a real dickweed in the 80s & 90s. Dude had his deputies put a drowning victim back in the water (in front of the man's family) so he could be filmed pulling the body from the water himself, even though he had no part in the actual recovery effort. The "sheriff boat" rammed my little boat twice in "routine" checks, I moved to TR and never looked back.

I can't dance like I used to.


Way too much boat for a lake of any size short of the Great Lakes. I know LOZ has races and I believe it was last year that one went airborne and crashed? And that was in a sanctioned and zoned race area. To have these type of boats on the water with ski boats, Jeremiah, sailboats, bass boats, kayaks, etc is just borderline negligent homicide. To cross the border to the other side is only about 5 seconds and one mistake.

If they were out cruising at 50-60mph and minding other boats and not racing in between people, I could care less. Enjoy the lake and stay safe.

It's the fact that they are racing, driving like they own the lake swerving in and out of boat traffic and purposefully and intentionally showing off that makes me angry. Revving the motors like they were John Force about to drag down the strip, playing obnoxious music at volumes where words can be heard and understood at 1,000yds (this happened at Prairie Creek Saturday about 3pm), well thats begging for attention and just shows what they are all about. Childish behaviour.

Yes I have a stereo. It can get loud too. But not that loud and even if it did, I wouldn't cruise by the front of the entire marina blaring music at that volume.

Although there may have a time where Jimmy Buffet "may" have been a little too loud when I first got it installed. ;-p Hey, music is nice in moderation. I get it. But the scene I witnessed was borderline live performance volumes and bass so loud, I swear I could feel it at 1,000yds. Water carries sound easily.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


5bites your young and when I was your age I would have thought just like you. But sorry years have shown me differntly. High speed in a bass boat will ruin your back believe it or not. I know several around here that have payed that price.

I need to add I imagine you alway feel in controlof the boat. Your not as well in control as you think. There are so many things that can interfere with your attention and mechanical things such as steering failures. I have known that to happen on even new boats. I got boats going by here this weekend that can hit 100 and they have no bussiness out there. I am all for speed limits and I am further for making all boaters pass a skill level and be licensed. I see people in there teens out there in these 600hp boats. I refuse to trust there judgement.


Specific situations I guess, yeah.

But you're out there to FISH, right?

How soon do you honestly need to get to where you can cast? Just leave 4 minutes earlier and enjoy the scenery.

Yes I know about "outrunning storms" and all that, but most tornados poke along at about 30 mph so even if you keep casting until cows start flying through the air you can still stop fishing and stay ahead of it at 50-55 mph. And if you come upon an unexpected roller or a floating object you'll not be testing your kill switch.

I got tossed out at 72mph once and I promise you it SUCKS.

Shoot if I see a tornado I'm slowing down and watching that sucker.

I just enjoy pinning its ears back sometimes. It used to be all the time. Now that I worry more about my non warrantied outboard and fuel mileage I do more modest driving.

I was just hoping we didn't have another member of the speed limit club. I'm all for responsible driving though believe me.


5bites your young and when I was your age I would have thought just like you. But sorry years have shown me differntly. High speed in a bass boat will ruin your back believe it or not. I know several around here that have payed that price.

I need to add I imagine you alway feel in controlof the boat. Your not as well in control as you think. There are so many things that can interfere with your attention and mechanical things such as steering failures. I have known that to happen on even new boats. I got boats going by here this weekend that can hit 100 and they have no bussiness out there. I am all for speed limits and I am further for making all boaters pass a skill level and be licensed. I see people in there teens out there in these 600hp boats. I refuse to trust there judgement.

I agree with some of what you're saying but I think you've got me pegged a little wrong.


5bites I do not have you pegged period. I spent to much time on here trolling the internet for The Cyber Angels before the days of law oversite of the internet to even think I might even faintly know who I am talking to. I think it is more of a reflection on some of the stupid things I did. I just hope nobody else makes those mistake in a weak moment. Believe me I am lucky to be here.


Well I just didn't mean to give the impression that I'm pedal to the metal all the time. I'm paying enough from stupid stuff I've done on sport bikes to cut my time short in a boat. Like I said I like to trim it up when I can but its not an all the time thing by no means.

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