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Been real busy last couple of days fishing for kings on the Nushagak and a change over day yesterday. Kings on the Nush were there but we had to work for them. We ended up with one short of limits and a bunch of bonus jacks. Got to chase rainbows in the Rapids again last night after dinner. That was fun. Caught 3 on the fly rod that were over 25 inches and two on the spin rod that were 26 and 27 inches. I was able to get some video of that last night. I will mail it to Phil so he can upload it to the Internet. Headed back to the Nush for kings again today.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Big day on the Nush yesterday and today. Limits of 25 pounders and great slotters. I got to fish the Naknek again today for rainbows. Went all the way to the top and crushed giants most of the day. Boated two 29 inchers, several 27's and an un countable number of 24-26 inchers. To tired to fish tonight.




A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



A little slower on the Naknek River today. Only boated 31 fish with the biggest being 27 inches. Did get a 25 inch and 24 inch. Everything else was a little smaller. Finally got some clouds and rain for the first time in over two weeks.


A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Got 3 short king passes in close to the lodge yesterday. Caught a small king in the 25 inch range and a little jack. Have two guys on the river today.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Didja eat any? Didja? I can send some breading mix?

I shop at the outdoor grocery store


Been killing lots of sockeye salmon and kings the last few days. Rainbows have been in a bit of a slump, but did catch a 25 1/2 and a 24 today. No, I'm not eating any....

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners


  • Root Admin

Miss ya buddy. Can't catch anything off the dock - no way on One Cast. But are catching some nice fish out in boats. Nothing to compare with what you're doing.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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