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On 8/10/2015 at 11:24 AM, fishinwrench said:

Surely you spoke up because you're just dying to give us a seminar on it, but want to be specifically asked.


Here I am asking. :)

Please school me.

I don't come on here much, so I apologize for not seeing this post til now. Guess I'll toss a bone. I almost always use live shad. Not only that, but the size of the shad is actually pretty important. Then, figure out a rig that will keep the shad alive and presented in the most natural way possible. I made up my own rig through trial and error. Second, learn how to properly drift shad in fast moving water. That takes practice, and it'll take a long time to master the correct technique. That can't be taught. Remember the 3 rules in your presentation...location, location, location. Know where your bait is in the water column at all times. Know how to read the water to find the fish. Other than that, it's just a matter of knowing when to fish. That's the 50,000 ft level view of how to consistently catch wipers below the dam. Good luck!

On 8/11/2015 at 9:33 PM, slab slinger said:

The big ones don't bite till June. At least thats what Chi0082 said on May/13/2015 is his resent posts on profile page. "No ones catching anything big." He must have not fished the month of May.

The tailrace use to be a great fishing spot that no one knew about it. Until people started opening their traps. Same thing goes for turkey hunting here. People need to practice a little more restraint in how much info they put out there for the world to see. I tell everyone there's no turkeys here at Truman and steer them someplace else where they can still get a good chance at bagging one. You may call it selfish, I just call it conservation....lol :D


17 hours ago, chi0082 said:

The tailrace use to be a great fishing spot that no one knew about it. Until people started opening their traps. Same thing goes for turkey hunting here. People need to practice a little more restraint in how much info they put out there for the world to see. I tell everyone there's no turkeys here at Truman and steer them someplace else where they can still get a good chance at bagging one. You may call it selfish, I just call it conservation....lol :D


Yes Stockton Lake is better Fishing.

There is many things in the area that if asked it is better miles away.



There are very few tailraces that dont hold fish....there now all the tailraces in the US are no longer a secret! Come on I understand a secret spot on a little stream, or ponds tucked way back in the woods but the tailrace below a massive reservoir is not a secret to anyone that has fished for more than a day. 


I've got agree with you guys on this. Tailwaters are like big neon signs saying look look I've got tons of fish! Truman is no different! Seen a hundred people down there every spring since my first visit with my dad in the eighties. And thanks for the lesson because that was really new info for that area...

On 2/27/2016 at 8:21 AM, trythisonemv said:

I've got agree with you guys on this. Tailwaters are like big neon signs saying look look I've got tons of fish! Truman is no different! Seen a hundred people down there every spring since my first visit with my dad in the eighties. And thanks for the lesson because that was really new info for that area...

I don't know what tailwater you're talking about but there was not hundreds of people fishing below Truman dam in the 80's. I lived and fished there my entire life, and fishing was a LOT better in the 80's with a LOT fewer people.

And for your last comment, everyone knows shad is THE bait to use for big monster wipers, yet nobody can really fish them alive effectively. I tossed a bone, you obviously missed it.


9 hours ago, chi0082 said:

I don't know what tailwater you're talking about but there was not hundreds of people fishing below Truman dam in the 80's. I lived and fished there my entire life, and fishing was a LOT better in the 80's with a LOT fewer people.

And for your last comment, everyone knows shad is THE bait to use for big monster wipers, yet nobody can really fish them alive effectively. I tossed a bone, you obviously missed it.


Dodged it sir. 

11 hours ago, trythisonemv said:

Dodged it sir. 

No you MISSED it. If you dodged it you wouldn't have mentioned anything. Good day!


On a positive note...I drive the 100 mile trip To Truman Dam a few times every Spring for the great Walleye and Hybrid fishing and it is worth it. I use artificials though because that's how I like to fish. Too lazy for the whole live bait thing...lol! I have seen the guys with live shad clean up on Hybrids, but I've done alright with home made buck tail jigs too. Lots of people there but most of them are rigged for Crappie it seems, but they do catch Walleyes and Hybrids as well. Truman Dam is wall to wall fish...what an amazing place! It helps if you know how to fish a jig in the tricky currents without getting hung up every cast. Also, if you don't lose jigs, you probably aren't catching fish either. I've met some nice people there who have given me tips on some of Truman Dam's fishing secrets. Lots of people there, patience and cooperation is a requirement. My biggest gripe is people leaving their trash there. Hard to understand that. Get up there and try it this Spring if you have' before, you may be rewarded. Be careful walking on the riprap, you could get hurt if you're getting on in the years like me. Good luck!

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