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But the ones whose payments are up to date are still free to graze?

And any new applicants with a checkbook in hand are given the go ahead?  


Can I lease, hunt, sublet this property?   WE all own it correct?  Who do I call?


The United States is safer because these citizen patriots will defend to the death, any immigrants trying to enter Federal land in Oregon. They didn't buy those AR-15s for nothing. 



I was keeping an open mind because I didn't know the facts. Thanks to all for sharing.


You may not be born owing the Feds anything, but most rational folks should understand when you torch someone else's property, you're on the hook.  When you enter into a grazing contract with someone else, you're on the hook.  Doesn't matter who the owner is or what that owner paid for the property, you honor the terms of your agreement, and you don't re-negotiate the terms of your agreement at the barrel of a gun because they no longer suit you.  What's unfair about holding people accountable for their actions? 

These guys aren't heroes, they're grow men throwing a tantrum in the desert.  East Oregon is a desert, after all.  So's Nevada.  Maybe the problem isn't a malicious government, maybe these guys are terrible businessmen looking for someone, anyone else to blame.  If they believe in the Constitution, they can follow it.  If they believe in property rights, they can respect them.  The moment it stops being an exercise in "Do as I say, not as I do," I'll start taking them seriously.


Looks like some undercover feds are involved in a smear campaign.  Harassing the locals and creating unrest while pretending to be among the ranchers.   




This week, Harney County Fire Marshall Chris Briels resigned after discovering undercover FBI agents posing as militia members near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which has been the site of a standoff for weeks now. According to Briels, he found FBI agents who were impersonating militia members lurking around the town’s armory. When he inquired about the undercover operation with county Judge Steve Grasty he was told to back off.
Just before this discovery was made, there were reports of people who looked like militia harassing locals, which is uncharacteristic of the protesters who initially assembled at the refuge. It turns out that these militia members suspected of harassing locals were actually undercover FBI agents.

I kinda suspected that some of the destruction during the Ferguson ordeal was done by our "system" to paint a worse picture of the protesters. Ya know, the burning of cop cars and such.

    Like they would just leave a cop car completely unattended and unwatched during an event like that. Yeah right.  :rolleyes:

Y'all that trust and believe these authoritative government people are so blind (IMO). 


Of course there are FBI agents in the county and it is not surprising there are a couple undercover.  They are committing federal crimes, which invites federal law enforcement.   That changes nothing.  They still  hijacked a wildlife refuge armed to the teeth.  I am glad law enforcement is doing something about it.  They should have been charged and removed long ago.  They chose an indirect, less confrontational path to avoid a Waco and making them martyrs (which probably is wise in the long run).  Plus they brought kids with them and that is a concern.





Brian,   Hijacked? if they have broken any laws they would be arrested, pronto.

 Armed to the teeth? Since when is it illegal to carry a gun in Oregon ?   No shots have been fired, right?

There is an issue regarding constitutional rights here, and although I'm not clear on what they are when it comes to this, since nobody has been arrested I'm gonna guess that the government owned media is not relaying the full and true story here.   

I do know one thing though, you can bet your butt that if anyone has witnessed any of these rancher/miitia people breaking the law then they would be in custody already.    

Now tell me, because I guess I'm stupid,  what exactly they are doing that is unlawful.  And while your at it, if you don't mind, take another moment and explain to me what the federal government is doing that is right, or in other words... benefiting the people of Oregon. 

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