DainW Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 Okay so then you're reluctantly voting for Trump. What I read is that you don't really care for either candidate but you'd take Trump over Hillary. Ok fair enough. If you read my post closely, it wasn't really directed at you either. I'm speaking to the Trump is the last best hope for our country crowd that thinks if he doesn't get elected our country is going to perish. These are the same people that have been criticizing the current administration for the last 8 years for running an out of control, lawless government and having a feckless foreign policy but worship at the altar of Donald Trump. There's a difference between these folks and being a reluctant Trump voter. As far as president Obama's comments about racism being in our DNA, I mean he's not wrong. This country was founded by British colonialists, who if you've studied anything about, are the original purveyors of white supremacy. These same people imported slaves from Africa, wrote a constitution that stated that black people are 3/5 of a person, tried to deny voting rights to black people, and up until about 60 years ago told us that black people shouldn't drink from the same water fountain as white people. Look the country has come a long way since all of that sure, and I can't honestly remember anyone every claiming that 50% of the country is racist. You'd have to source that out for me. The election of the first black president was a big step, but it doesn't mean that racism is over. There's still work left to do. I don't know what the exact percentages are really, but if you think racism is dead take a drive through Harrison sometime.
Mitch f Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 5 minutes ago, DainW said: Okay so then you're reluctantly voting for Trump. What I read is that you don't really care for either candidate but you'd take Trump over Hillary. Ok fair enough. If you read my post closely, it wasn't really directed at you either. I'm speaking to the Trump is the last best hope for our country crowd that thinks if he doesn't get elected our country is going to perish. These are the same people that have been criticizing the current administration for the last 8 years for running an out of control, lawless government and having a feckless foreign policy but worship at the altar of Donald Trump. There's a difference between these folks and being a reluctant Trump voter. As far as president Obama's comments about racism being in our DNA, I mean he's not wrong. This country was founded by British colonialists, who if you've studied anything about, are the original purveyors of white supremacy. These same people imported slaves from Africa, wrote a constitution that stated that black people are 3/5 of a person, tried to deny voting rights to black people, and up until about 60 years ago told us that black people shouldn't drink from the same water fountain as white people. Look the country has come a long way since all of that sure, and I can't honestly remember anyone every claiming that 50% of the country is racist. You'd have to source that out for me. The election of the first black president was a big step, but it doesn't mean that racism is over. There's still work left to do. I don't know what the exact percentages are really, but if you think racism is dead take a drive through Harrison sometime. Well the election is pretty much split down the middle, that's what I'm referring to. As far as Obama being correct about racism being in our DNA, don't bring up past history of White Supremecy. If something is in your DNA, that means it is not changeable, incorrigable, whatever you want to call it. The racism in this country has changed for the better. We don't have slaves anymore, black people are given the same rights as whites now. If it was in our DNA this wouldn't be possible. "Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor
SpoonDog Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 20 hours ago, Al Agnew said: Trust me, I'd vote to keep every Muslim on earth out of this country. There is nothing ambiguous about this statement, and it does not make any distinction between Muslim citizens protected by the United States Constitution and non-citizens. In 1948, in response to the Holocaust, the United States was signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It states unequivocally that all human beings are born free and equal, that all people have the right to be recognized as a person before the law, that all people are equal before the law, without discrimination and with equal protection, that everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution, and that everyone is entitled to these rights without regard to race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or political affiliation. Now I'd agree the USA doesn't always live up to those statements, but they're just as much a part of our legal cannon as anything else. Even if that weren't the case, think about the implications of what you're saying- you're allowed to ignore mass murder because a 200+ year old slip of paper doesn't explicitly state otherwise. You don't have a legal obligation to donate blood, or sandbag to keep floodwaters at bay, or adopt some third-world child from overseas, either- people do those things all the time though, because on some level we understand the value of basic human decency. The question is whether you're willing to extend that basic sense of human decency and civilized behavior to everyone, or just those who look and think like you. 1 hour ago, Mitch f said: Like the rights "You People" love to take away from Christian Bakers you mean? ...I was raised Catholic. But by all means, educate this dumb heathen about the tenets of your faith, let's start with "Judge not, lest ye be judged." I'm a stupid heathen and I don't know anything about Christianity, which is why I'm dying to hear what "your religion" says about pride, greed, wrath, lust, and envy. I want to be educated on what Christianity says about divorce, about infidelity, about dishonesty. I want to be educated about the Sermon on the Mount, on how Jesus Christ says his followers should treat the poor, the meek, the hungry, the innocent, the merciful, and the persecuted. Then I want to see if you can keep a straight face as you explain to this ignorant heathen how your position opposing innocent Syrian war refugees conforms to your religious beliefs. I want to see if you can keep a straight face as you tell me Donald Trump embraces those Christian values. If you're capable of compromising your religious values under the guise of "national security," and if you're capable of compromising your religious values to vote for a guy like Donald Trump, then you're capable of compromising your religious values to bake two dudes a cake.
Quillback Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 Count me as a reluctant Trump supporter. Very reluctant. I think HC is a pathological liar, an empty suit who will tell her supporters whatever it is they want to hear. I find it ironic that Obama supporters, who voted for him as he was going to bring about "change", are now supporting a candidate who represents the worst of Washington politics, a career politican, who supports muddling along as we are, and supports policies that make close to half the population dependent on the government. And she has nothing that will end that dependency. Nothing, zilch, nada. As far as the racism crap, the Dems aren't exactly unblemished in that regard. Racists come in all colors, and if you don't understand that, you don't understand racism. Mitch f and tho1mas 2
DainW Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 3 minutes ago, Mitch f said: Well the election is pretty much split down the middle, that's what I'm referring to. As far as Obama being correct about racism being in our DNA, don't bring up past history of White Supremecy. If something is in your DNA, that means it is not changeable, incorrigable, whatever you want to call it. The racism in this country has changed for the better. We don't have slaves anymore, black people are given the same rights as whites now. If it was in our DNA this wouldn't be possible. 1. I never claimed that every single Trump voter was a racist, as I just explained to you in my post that you quoted. 2. Even IF i was trying to say that every single Trump voter was racist (which I'm not), less than half of the country actually votes in any given election anyway, so that would make the number of racists in this country somewhere around 20-25% which seems to jibe with your poll that says 80% of the country approves of interracial marriage. For the record, I doubt if it's even that high, but it does still exist. 3. I think you're taking his statement about "being in our DNA" a tad bit too literally. I think the historical implications of racist American policies can and do still influence race relations in this country today, but I'm sure you'll disagree. Mitch f 1
DainW Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 18 minutes ago, Quillback said: Count me as a reluctant Trump supporter. Very reluctant. I think HC is a pathological liar, an empty suit who will tell her supporters whatever it is they want to hear.. I agree with that, but do you think Trump isn't a pathological liar that will tell his supporters whatever they want to hear? I get it though, it's a lesser of two evils situation and if you're a more conservative leaning person Trump is less evil and if you're more liberal leaning Clinton is less evil. Quillback 1
Mitch f Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 9 minutes ago, SpoonDog said: ...I was raised Catholic. But by all means, educate this dumb heathen about the tenets of your faith, let's start with "Judge not, lest ye be judged." I'm a stupid heathen and I don't know anything about Christianity, which is why I'm dying to hear what "your religion" says about pride, greed, wrath, lust, and envy. I want to be educated on what Christianity says about divorce, about infidelity, about dishonesty. I want to be educated about the Sermon on the Mount, on how Jesus Christ says his followers should treat the poor, the meek, the hungry, the innocent, the merciful, and the persecuted. Then I want to see if you can keep a straight face as you explain to this ignorant heathen how your position opposing innocent Syrian war refugees conforms to your religious beliefs. I want to see if you can keep a straight face as you tell me Donald Trump embraces those Christian values. If you're capable of compromising your religious values under the guise of "national security," and if you're capable of compromising your religious values to vote for a guy like Donald Trump, then you're capable of compromising your religious values to bake two dudes a cake. First of all, I'm a forgiving person by nature, and usually always give people the benefit of the doubt. When Jesus stopped the guys from stoning the woman caught in the act of adultery, (as you've read) he said " he who is without sin cast the first stone". Most people stop right there with their quotes. But as CNN does quite frequently, you shouldn't stop there.... You need to read the whole passage. He ended this fiasco by telling the woman as she left "now go your way and sin no more". No religion in the world that I know of believes homosexuality is not a sin. Now asking a private business to violate their religious beliefs when the gay couple could've gone down the street and got the cake they wanted pretty much tells me that this was a premeditated set up where the gay couple knowingly requested a cake with the full intentions of filing a lawsuit. BTW, I don't for a minute think Trump embraces Christian values. Lets talk common sense here, how is a temporary block to preform a more thorough vetting of the Muslim refugees somehow being a religious hypocrite? Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and 15-25% are radicals, you do the math. Saudi Arabia beheads gay people every month. Pew polls say 80% of all Muslims believe death is a proper punishment for leaving the religion. Doesn't it make perfect sense? My point is that it's a very common sense thing to take the time to see if they have terror ties. BTW, your dream president and Hillary were caught scrubbing some of the records of Muslim brotherhood members. Nice. Now, wipe that smirk off of your face and get back to your meaningless desk job!!? "Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor
DainW Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 FWIW Jerry, as beloved as Reagan is by conservatives, I don't care much for him. He basically invented deficit spending to fund his "star wars" military spending program and set us down the road to $19 trillion in debt (the debt doubled under his watch). He introduced us to the concept of supply side trickle down economics which is one of the leading causes of the massive levels of income inequality we see today, He armed the mujahadeen in Afghanistan which would eventually become Al-Qaeda. He sold arms to Iran in exchange for releasing American hostages and used the funds to support Nicaraguan militants. His administration also stepped up the "war on drugs" which has been an abject failure in every aspect as well as disproportionately affecting the black community. By the way there are a couple things in that meme that you shared that are factually incorrect, basically everything that has to do with policy positions. For example, Reagan was anti-illegal immigration, but he signed a bill that granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants. He was pro tax reduction, but raised taxes 11 times. He was pro-2nd amendment, but endorsed the Brady bill after he left office. To me the idea of another Reagan is terrifying.
Mitch f Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 Have a great weekend, all you racists, non racists, homosexuals, academics, liars and thieves! I'm outta here. Hopefully to fish but I doubt I can get through the honey-Do list!! DainW 1 "Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor
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