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Just release females walleyes. A 7pound walleye can lay a lot of eggs. I have seen a drop walleyes since I moved hear in 2007. Plus more fishing for them. I personally don't fish for them during spawning time if you do I hope catch and release time.

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I hope this doesn't start a huge argument, but the 20-25 inch females are the ones you want to release. The old big girls may have a lot of eggs but they are not very fertile. Ask your local agent if you think I'm just blowing smoke.

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I don't think a lot of people realize it is actually possible to catch a legal eye and release it back. I don't eat them, but I do catch them on accident on occasion. I've had nearby anglers about lose their minds when I plop a keeper eye back into the drink. Pretty much the same deal with crappie, except they reproduce a lot faster than walleye. 

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Maybe mojo rig can chime in, but best I was able to determine only 20-35 % of our walleye are natural spawn in Bull Shoals. Plenty hatch, but Green Sunfish and Longear Sunfish feast on the just hatched fish because of the lack of vegetation for the fry to hide amongst. They do better on high water years, but without the stockings numbers of fish would plummet. 

I'm not sure if this is a better argument to release the fish you catch or keep them anyway. I do know that I'm more likely to release the accidental crappie than I am the accidental walleye. One walleye of 22 inches can feed my wife and I a delicious meal. One 12 inch crappie is a good start. 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

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I guess I'm in the minority here but while out pre-fishing for the Everett tourney last Thursday, I caught my limit of walleye. They went home with me where I treated them to a bath in hot oil!!  Me, my wife, 2 daughters and my father-in-law enjoyed the meal...and I didn't feel guilty. 

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I don't eat fish that I catch sometimes I will even night fish for catfish and catch and release. But every big fish is a small fish predator so someone has their favorite and is glad to see the others taken out of the lake. That is the reason they have a stocking program. As far as I know only some of the whites have spawned so all the fish kept right now will put a dent in the population.

But I did live in New York for about ten years where you could not fish for even catch and release bass until the 3rd Saturday of June and lifting a spawning bass from a bed was a big fine. I would not want to live under those laws again.

But to those that do eat fish I have heard that 10 in spots are great !!! Please take some home with you next time your out, you can find them between the dam and hwy 12 bridge anytime of the year.

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I'll keep walleye also.   I only catch 1 or 2  keepers a year on accident, so I don't feel like I'm hurting n e thing.  It's a welcome treat for me and the boys..  I'll keep spotted bass under 12in and most striper, not all but most.

But I would agree with the release of a 7 pound walleye. That's a trophy, I'd put it back.  

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