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Had my first TR guide trip since July 26th. and did fair to middlin.  Pulled into Baxter at 0600 to an empty parking lot and had to work a little to launch the boat.  It is much easier to launch the Alweld on the trout pond.  Set out to pick up Skip and Tyler and see if we could catch any on the Pooper.  Had 5 rises all misses with one that almost made the boat capsize.  I think it was a big jaw. 

Picked one up on the Nedrick after he  missed the Pooper and that was pretty much all till we moved out.  Found them at 46' on a drop shot and told the boys it was time to catch fish or cut bait.  We had wanted to catch them shallow and on the high blue slick condition they were not having it.  Surface temps were 73-76, I thought they might be lower as it was 41 air temp  at the truck when I launched.

Ended the day with between 15 and 20 with a very nice amount of 15" K's, all deep.  Had two on a real image jigging spoon and the rest on the shot.  Great to get back on the water.  I had worked Taney the past couple of weeks but TR is a completely nother deal for a cripple.  I'll be healed soon, so you basses had better look out.

Good Luck


Glad your doing better Bill and thanks for the report


Glad to see you back on the water Bill....thanks for report..

I know everything about nothing and know nothing about everything!

Bruce Philips


Bill, welcome back!!!



Thanks for the report Bill, glad to see you back after them!!!!


This is a welcome post to read....glad you are back.  Things will be even better as time goes on.

You did not loose your touch, you can get them anytime. 

all the best to you.


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