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Why is the FBI involved in collegiate sports?  Don't they have anything more important to do?  Like terrorism in the US?  Computer hacking of our financial system?

Why do we care that some elite players get paid to play?  How does it affect our lives?  

It doesnt . We want our teams to win. Everyone is complicit, so , why bother?  Happy universities, happy alums who donate, happy students who benefit from scholarships due to increased available money, happy parents, happy TV and their viewership. 

Also, why the assistant coaches? Is this Enron?  The collapse of Merill Lynch because of some  random employee?

How would you feel if your alma mater paid, outbidding other institutions, a significant sum of money to bring a brilliant scientist to your school?  I would guess nothing.

But a black athlete ?  Now that is cause for a full scale investigation of schools that certain individuals in positions of authority want to stop. 

Duke, North Carolina, Michigan State, we know you do it, but we like you, so you're OK.

The FBI breaking the news that some college basketball players get paid to play at some universities. 

Just spectacular. The sheer doggedness and moral integrity gives one hope for our government, yes?






Media BS.  Nothing else interesting (that they can share with you) is happening.  

The stuff that really matters is the stuff you're not allowed to know about.  I assumed that you already had a grip on that.  


its the old trowing a game for $ thing...billions are gambled on games every week....lots of room for shenanigans "longest yard movies"

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


Well if the NCAA isn't going to police itself, who is?  I don't have a problem with paying college players, might as well do it and end this under the table stuff. 

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