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Has nothing to do with fishing tournaments.....everything to do with predator killing contest.

They very specifically define wildlife: (b) “Wildlife” means amphibians, reptiles, feral swine as defined under State Department of Agriculture rules, wild birds as defined under State Fish and Wildlife Commission rules and other wild mammals as defined under commission rules.




Not sure but OR is a progressive state, unsure how can ban it with out hard evidence it’s harmful

MONKEYS? what monkeys?

4 minutes ago, MoCarp said:

Not sure but OR is a progressive state, unsure how can ban it with out hard evidence it’s harmful

They banned poligamy and there's no evidence that it is harmful.  

5 minutes ago, fishinwrench said:

They banned poligamy and there's no evidence that it is harmful.  

Yet you can smoke cigarettes legally despite the overwhelming evidence that says its harmful. 


I can see the trend growing. I suspect future “permits” to hold events and be expensive permits to limit the impact of events if any

once one state passes it others will adopt similar regs

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


A quick google search for Oregon SB723....eliminate the Oregon legislature links and the news link and you will quickly find out who the money is behind the bill. 


 It's clearly anti hunting, probably aimed at coyote contests; but, rattle snakes and jack rabbits have been mass hunted in contests before.

So, how on earth do you turn this into an Anti-fishing Bill/Law?

46 minutes ago, tjm said:

 It's clearly anti hunting, probably aimed at coyote contests; but, rattle snakes and jack rabbits have been mass hunted in contests before.

So, how on earth do you turn this into an Anti-fishing Bill/Law?

Pretty sure the peta/SPCA are pushing this trying to take the $ out of the industry, not good

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


The political affiliations of the bill tend to lean to the left of right.

Are they attacking carP?

Taking wildlife for entertainment.  I am guilty.  Have a few hours to kill, have to go kill something.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

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