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Any information on which ramps are useable? Looks like the lake is 11ft high and probably rising this week. 


I'm  assuming most ramps are underwater. Saw some boats launch off the little gravel road at the Theodosia bridge yesterday. corps park is also open but if the lake come up more it flattens out alot and you have to back pr3tty far into the water then. Backing  down the road at spring creek and launch off the blacktop there is another option   That's  all I know.

  • Root Admin

I've pinned this topic because I believe it's going to be an ongoing issue through the summer.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Spring Creek is usable, launching off the road. The courtesy dock was right in the middle of the road on Saturday, hopefully someone has pulled it over to one side. Parking is a bit of an issue, but there is always the side of the road, but it is a bit of a hike if there are a bunch of folks already parked. 

Buck Creek also has a road that functions as a high water ramp, although you have to be careful due to some large rock rip rap the corps has placed to either side of it. No courtesy dock there at the high water ramp.

Pontiac seemed to be fine as well, with lots of boats getting in and out just fine there for the white river co-op derby on Saturday. Pretty sure the courtesy dock is there and functional. 


Corps park launch  area in Theodosia  is almost completely  under.  Not sure a guy could even get turned around to back in now.  water  is getting up there near the campsites below cookies as of yesterday. So much debris  I wouldn't  want to even launch there  anyway.


Good charts to compare yearly dates and water levels



The Dam Access is in the parking lot so it is pretty much unusable.

Lakeview Access is closed.

The AGFC Access at Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock will be closed at roughly 674.

You have to launch off the road at the Oakland Access.


Hopefully one day between the USACE and us (AGFC), we will get a high water ramp constructed on the lower end of the lake.



Jeremy Risley

District Fisheries Supervisor
AGFC Mountain Home Office - 1-877-425-7577
Email: Jeremy.Risley@agfc.ar.gov

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