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PSA - Your personal info is not safe here - Leak of personal information by admin

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Just an FYI.  I'm sure this won't stay up long before the admin pulls it down. 

The last post i made on this forum was a parody of sorts. I wanted to get a message to someone.. for his own good and admittedly also for my own self serving interests.  

Earlier Today, I received a phone call  from the anonymous individual i based the story on to confront me about it.    Now mind you, i never named the individual and I never used my name, but the individual (who again wasn't named) was given my real name and information by Phil Lilley.      I'm currently researching the legality of this act to see what recourse i have.  There definitely seems to be a legal precedent for the act,  but in the meantime a word to the wise...  The admin will disclose your confidential personal information to another individual if asked.  I feel it's definitely an invasion of my privacy and an ethically questionable act by the owner of this forum.  It kind of scares me to think what would happen in a scenario where the individual was unhinged and capable of inflicting personal harm upon me or my family.

This was without a warrant, without a personal threat, without the individual even being named.  The person i based the story upon recognized himself as the main character in the story and by his own account for nothing more than an ask, Phil told him who i was.

Go forth at your own risk.


Everybody here knows who I am, where I live, and I make it a point to piss off as many people as I possibly can.  Even the MDC who could have me snuffed at any time.

I ain't scared, so why should you be? 😎 

If what you said about the dude was true then own it, say "So?" and then flick his nose.  We are all unhinged and capable.....so maybe you'd best just lurk.  😊

  • Root Admin

What this is simply about is 2 long time friends, neighbors, hunting and fishing buddies trying to work out an issue between them. Unfortunately some of it showed up on a public forum that both have been members of for more than 10 years. Both are frequent contributors. 

They both knew the other on the forum, nothing was hidden. Now, hopefully they can work this out between the 2 of them and heal. The “disabled” guy in the initial story and his wife are super hurt by all this but they have taken steps to forgive the offense. 

We cannot, should not, take up an offense for either party because it does not involve us. So I’m closing comments here, and will not allow it to be brought up again on this forum. 

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