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Travis Swift
Travis Swift

learning to fly fish.....questions

I bought my first fly rod last night (9ft 5wt as recommended from members on here).  It was an expensive one on sale that came spooled with the line and leader attached.  I also grabbed some 7x Seaguar Fluorocarbon tippet that I'm going to attach to the leader.  How long of a tipped do I need to tie on the leader?  My plan is to fish a PJ's sculpin/peach 1/125th ounce jig and float to start with on this trip and see how that goes.  I will be fishing it from a boat the whole time, forgot to mention that.  I also attempted to tie my own mega worms which I might try out as well.  I'm going to stop at Lilleys and grab a few flys......what are good ones to start with?  Also how do you tie a tandem or dropper rig when you guys fish 2 at a time.  Do you just tie the second fly off from the hook bend of the first one?  I thought about tying some sort of tandem midge or a midge off the jig etc.   Thanks in advance everyone. 

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1 hour ago, Flysmallie said:

I've had the best luck with Thingamabobbers. Still not perfect. 

Year -- I use them on big water where I'm trying to get deep fast. But...fly line kink, large profile.

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1 hour ago, ness said:

I use them on big water where I'm trying to get deep fast. But...fly line kink, large profile.

Yep it kinks but it also stays where I put it, while still making it easy to move. I have some small ones. Probably a smaller profile than palsa to a fish but they are riding high and visible on my end. 

To me the line kink is the only drawback. But if it get's bad I'll add a new leader or tippet. 

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17 hours ago, Travis Swift said:

. . . Still trying to figure out an indicator. I have some small ones with a rubber center but throw them off ALOT. Also using an SOS trout cork like I use on my spinning rods with a trout magnet. It's been sufficient so far but I'm sure it's not the best option. 

I prefer the type that is just a small colored foam ball with a hole through the center.  I rig them with a short piece of rubber band as the stopper rather than the toothpicks they come with.  This will allow you to slide it up and down to quickly adjust your depth.  The toothpicks tend to swell when they get wet and you'll never get them out or slide them easily.  To rig them just pass the line through the hole, double it back through, then double it back through again to create a loop you can use to pull your rubber band through doubled over.  Whether you use the rubber band or toothpick method, make sure to trim it off flush with the indicator on both sides so you don't get wind knots.

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          Ness and Flysmallie,

 Look up the air lock. No kink, removeable and made like the thingamabobbers. I guarantee you will both like them except for the price. A bit more expensive but worth the no frustration value. 

    Travis Swift,

        Well done and it isn't so hard is it? We only make it a hard sport! 



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1 hour ago, BilletHead said:

          Ness and Flysmallie,

 Look up the air lock. No kink, removeable and made like the thingamabobbers. I guarantee you will both like them except for the price. A bit more expensive but worth the no frustration value. 

    Travis Swift,

        Well done and it isn't so hard is it? We only make it a hard sport! 



Do they come in sizes smaller than a 1/2 inch diameter? That's the smallest I saw on a few websites. Seems like that size or larger would affect your casting.

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15 minutes ago, Johnsfolly said:

Do they come in sizes smaller than a 1/2 inch diameter? That's the smallest I saw on a few websites. Seems like that size or larger would affect your casting.

           Smallest size is the 1/2 inch and No problem casting for me. They are light,


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couple questions if I can.......

Mega worm......fish it on the bottom?  with our without an indicator?

Zebra Midge.....I fished it as a dropper off a jig and was shaking the jig as usual.  If fished alone is it best to just let it float along or do you import action somehow?

Scud.....I fished with an indicator just floating it along and sometimes with a midge dropper.  Caught a couple doing this, not sure if it's the right way to fish a scud or not? What is the proper way?

Egg Fly (or miracle fly)...I'm assuming water moving do you fish this basically like a taneycomo drift rig without powerbait?

San Juan worm.......I'm assuming again moving water and do you drift it like powerbait as well or same principal?

Sorry for the questions, these baits should cover about all I need........for now :)   I just need to know how to fish them or the proper way to fish them.

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