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Everything posted by dnj21

  1. Make sure we get your usual picture updates to us- we will be on the look out. Good luck!! I don't have a trip planned down there for another 6 weeks. UGH
  2. Catching a 24# last year in OK then this one- you get a sneaking suspicion this guy may know what he is doing!! Good stuff! I get excited when I catch one a third that size....
  3. Thanks for sharing, that is great! Sounds like you guys put on a clinic
  4. dnj21

    Youth season

    Anyone else getting out in the morning for Youth season? Will be the first for my 7yr old, we are pretty excited!! Good luck to all!
  5. Little one gave me a lesson at the whistle this morning, caught 5 to my 1 in the first half hour. Every time I made a cast she was hollering for the net. Great morning....
  6. Slow start to the trip, but did get one picture for John Back at it first thing....
  7. Update: Couple guys from work are down there today and tomorrow. Caught one in the park and then went down to the river. Doing pretty well now, nothing crazy big but staying busy.
  8. Okay, all spooled up with new line now. Don’t have as many single hooks spinners as I thought, but that’s easily remedied when we get down there.
  9. I have had luck with spinners right at the whistle in years past, great idea to start. Then switch to some deep jigging. Might take some Crappie jigs along, need something heavy enough to get down far enough in that current. Good stuff, thank you for the suggestions!
  10. Headed down this weekend for Spring Break, looks like water will still be a little high and on the cloudy/murky side. Any good tips for dealing with this in zone 1 & 2? I don't mind standing there all day trying things, but I mostly want the seven year old to catch a few before she gets bored. Spin or fly, doesn't matter. Assuming we should probably go up a size or two and either white or black so it's visible, but would love some better advice. I know Oneshot will be on here shortly telling me to get some crawlers and head down to the river, but we'll save that for plan B Thank you!
  11. Trout nerds everywhere thank you
  12. Watching the Trout Cam off and on all morning it didn't look like a normal crowd for opening day. See any big ones taken?
  13. Purinas Pelletonias I am soooo stealing this next time someone wants to know whats working
  14. Finally got out, missed all of Jan which is unusual for me. Roughly 3# Hybrid on an A-rig, 65# braid and Extra Heavy rod. Next one I hooked I handed the rod to my 7yr old and let her have at it. Hers was around 7# on a Med action Jerkbait rod and 10# Floro. MUCH more interesting battle for her, took probably 10 min to land. Kept going under the boat, peeling off line, running this way and that way. She had a blast, said that was the best fight she ever had
  15. Excellent thread and replies!! Great weather this weekend to get out and test the theories put forth, but like Snagged said everything is FULL and dirty around here. Santa brought me some Megabass 110 jr's to try out
  16. That is pretty much mine also. Now if I were to get a personal best Largemouth or Brown, I would be okay with that too.........
  17. More research on the topic yesterday, too nice not to fish. Neither Jerkbait or A rig did much on Bass, but the sticks fear the A rig!!!!
  18. I say this a couple times a year, but man there are some REALLY good people that frequent and contribute to this forum. Totally been in abs998s spot and had strangers help me out. Hope Santa rewards Mr BilletHead accordingly
  19. Great picture and story. I lost a Gadwall last year when my dog decided to pick up the closer bird first, Eagle grabbed the farther out bird and off it went. Great story I can share for a long time........
  20. Jester- Are you allowed to post that kind of pic without a story? I don't think you are allowed to do that- details pls!! EDIT- Apologies, I didn't see the story in the other thread. I should have known you wouldn't do that to us
  21. With pictures- always with pictures
  22. Hats off to Geno for being a true tough guy, kept at it and was rewarded!!!! Based off past experience (and I do this on a semi-regular basis!) I would be headed to a warm shower after a Dec swim down there! Good stuff, keep the pictures coming!!
  23. Old Dog- Good info, thanks for sharing! Do you remember how old your blind is? I have one on a 17x54 Grizzly and those pins are a MAJOR annoyance. I need to replace my camo netting or paint it, might be a good off season project to do some of this. I like mine, just a paint in the backside to set up and take down by myself.
  24. Found out today I wont be able to get off work as planned, so my reservation going unused for the year. (Unless I hit Mega Millions tonight!!) I LOVE breaking ice to hunt, I can only think of one hunt where I have broke ice and not shot ducks. Usually a sign I am about to have a great day
  25. Anyone been out at Fountain Grove lately? Headed out at the end of the week for the first time. Looking forward to getting to see something new......
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