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Everything posted by dnj21

  1. Would you let us know how that goes? That must be only a few minutes from where we stay (Gran Bahia) in Akumal.
  2. I haven't fished down there in over 10 years now, every year I say I am going to do it again but never get out. We fished in the big bay north of Cancun with spinning equipment and jigs, had a fabulous time. Wife absolutely kicked my butt, which our guide loved since I was talking about all the fishing I did back home. Caught Sea Trout, Barracuda and a few others. Really enjoyed it. Swimming tip for the resorts if you want to see the fish: Spray Cheese! You Tube it, definitely works. Next time we do it, we will bring some of our catch back and have one of the seafood restaurants cook it for us. Normally go to Akumal in October, plenty of opportunities abound down there......
  3. Haven't been there yet this year, used to be my favorite place in Missouri to hunt. Never hunted F pool, been all over C, G & H and a couple hunts in A pool. Before we had a boat we loved H2 just for the fact we could hike to it
  4. Fished 530-800 through a couple rainstorms. Water was dropping after 600, caught a couple smaller Rainbows. (Pink SJ worm and white SJ worm.) Had scud dropper,, but both were on the SJ. Once it got dark the last rain pushed out almost everyone. Only other guy below the parking lot hooked a nice fish and of course it had to go around me. Back peddling in the dark with my bad knees isn't my strong suit to say the least. I finally got out of the way and was able to net it for him, guessing around 20" Brown. He said it was the first Brown in 3 days of fishing. Fishing a grey scud under red SJ worm. That pretty much wraps my long weekend Common theme has been scud droppers if I had to pick one pattern I saw working the most Lot of nice Brown's seen and the colors on the Rainbows never fail to impress me. Always walk away from here wishing I lived closer.....
  5. Slightly OT but caught a 3# LM this Spring that was stuck pretty good but what I can only assume was a very over confident Blue Heron: No idea how he thought he was getting that choked down!
  6. Fished for a couple hours from just before first light in the Trophy area. Caught a couple on creme puffball (thinking trout egg) about 2ft under indicator. Slowed down after sun came up. Saw a few caught around me, but nothing huge. A Lady Chuck was guiding had what looked to be a real nice one in the line, but I left before she got it all the way in. Talked to a gentleman that showed me some pictures from last couple days of several 20+" Brown's. Even have one break his rod. Definitely that time of the year....
  7. How would you like to be Duane there? You know it must take a lot to get Phil excited and you are elbow deep in a repair!!!
  8. Only fished about 90 min, wiped out releasing a fish and banged my knee and elbow pretty good (Thank to whomever was fishing a lighted indicator just left of the stairs around 930, appreciate your offer to help. Sorry for the big splash and noise!) Threw a big manly articulated plum streamer for a while, then giant squid got it. Switched to small pine Sculpin (6?) Was just getting ready to switch again when I tried speeding up retrieve Second cast stripping as fast as I could hooked a nice rainbow, prob 18" but just guessing. One of my better fly rod rainbows there. Only other scouting info to share was a couple spin fisherman were catching some smaller rainbows. Not sure what exactly they were using though. Decided to call it a night and save some energy for Silver Dollar city. 6yr old is going to flat wear me out tomorrow I am sure....
  9. Headed down tomorrow afternoon, should be there after I put everyone to bed for a little taste of what my long weekend will bring. I break out my 8wt occasionally with visions of Monster Browns roaming after dark. Reality will probably be Pine Sculpins on the 5wt though. Had to like the post not just for content or pic, but impressed with an even dozen streamers lost to the giant squid- that's dedication!!!!
  10. I just replaced mine with composite. More expensive, hopefully it will be worth it in the long run...... https://www.ultimatebunkboards.com/
  11. Co-worker fished the ramp side Sat and did pretty well on white jigs among the flooded trees. Guy he was with caught a couple Blues (bait unk) and a Walleye to go along with the Crappie. If you can figure out the high water and where to find them, sounded like they were biting well......
  12. Complete waste of time trying to find fish last weekend, but the destroyed rental boats were attention getting. Think they got caught in the water outlet......
  13. I paid $950 for mine new, this is a steal. If you are a bigger guy or worry about stability this is your layout boat. I have also used mine to fish with my daughter in ponds, it is very user friendly and can be manipulated by one man. Not a small or light boat, but I like mine. I also have the extra seat, dog ramp & trolling motor attatchment also.
  14. Anyone fish the tourney this weekend? Just trying to get soem traction on where and how to get started. Fished around Columbia & Jeff City this weekend in smaller lakes, VERY slow.......
  15. Just left the Columbia store for the first time ($50 poorer). It was a quick lunch time trip for some swim jig trailers, so I didn't hit much other than fishing lures, rods/reels and pistol counter. I think you will like it, good seleciton and avg prices. Found a few interesting clearence items (frogs, spinnerbaits). I will be back to look at the rest of the store........
  16. Thanks fshnDoug. Had a buddy say I should try Lucky Craft also. I don't throw a jerkbait much it after it warms up, tend to become a bank beater. Guess you usually revert to your comfort zone...
  17. Done okay with the usual Rouges, but recently reading alot on the alternatives. Have tried the Rapalas and KVD's, nothing worked as well as the old standby. Went in to Tombstone Tackle in Columbia "just looking around" and walked out with two MegaBass 110 jerk baits to try. Last Cast on Saturday evening produced my best ever jerk bait fish @ 3.68 (not a great or regular jerk bait guy obviously). Much better casting and you feel a lot more connected with the MB. Havent used it near enough to say it is worth 4 Rouges each, but it was worth trying for sure. Just throwing out there for anyone that might be thinking about it. Lot of ground price wise and option wise between the two, so many choices.....
  18. Thank you, I appreciate the info! It seems odd, there is a tourney going on regularly, but you don't really read much about the Bass fishing here. Since we will be out there mid week hoping we can just poke around the coves looking for catchable fish. I like throwing a T-rig Lizard at that time of the year, never tried Tubes. May have to give it a whirl. I am more confortable beating the banks in unfamiliar water, may set up well for that time of the year. If anyone else has a thought pls feel free to share. Will be coming up from Mexico, so ramps on that side will probably be the easiest for us (Mark Twain State Park maybe?)
  19. Can they throw the PDL rig? That is the new thing the IL guys are using where A-rig is a no go. Tackle Warehouse abotu out of them, someone is buying them.
  20. Never been to MT in spite of living only an hour south of it, going to head up there a couple days the first week of May with my brother and little one. How hard is it to get in to some Bass fishing at that time of the year? No experience with the lake at all, outside driving by. Only friends I have that fish it offer Crappie advice Any suggestions appreciated as far as where to launch and start looking, techniques, baits, etc. Running a 17ft aluminum boat, with 25hp motor, so I don’t want to be running from one end to the other looking for spots or trying to stay out of peoples way. Will definitely be a mid-week trip. Thank you!
  21. Anyone lose a trailer plate at Little Dixie in the last two weeks? I was putting in this afternoon and saw one about 10ft out on the boat ramp. I had my waders so I went and grabbed it. Left it on the lamp post in case someone came looking for it. Wasn't sure if I should take it and turn it in or leave it. Hopefully no one bothers it until owner finds it....
  22. This is what I started doing also, as well as putting a larger and or different colored bait on that longer one. Can't say I have done much with it, but at least after throwing it for a while I feel like I have done something
  23. Do we have any guys from here fishing down there this week? Just curious, would like to hear their stories from something like that. Beyond anything most of us will do in our fishing careers I am guessing. Weather getting good for them at least.
  24. I haven't used the Lew's you are looking at yet, so take with a grain of salt but I really liked the two Daiwa Fuego's I bought last summer and the Tatula CT I picked up last week may be at least as good as those. They are a little heavier than the Lew's and not quite as compact, but if you get it narrowed down to a very specific few to look at, Tatula CT might be nice to compare to. As others have said, there are so many options (good ones!) in this price range you are going to have a lot of solid choices. Tatula CT SV coming out at a higher price point here at the Classic, but almost no one has handled yet to give an unbiased opinion. Decisions, decisions...... Let us know what you pick and how you like it!!
  25. I use the Hitchihikers on top also, just haven't really tried mixing and matching the types of baits with the hooks yet. Like anything else, learning curve and helps to have guys to talk to about it. Can't wait to get out Saturday and get on the water again....... Of course the crying when you lose one of these is a little worse than most other baits most of us throw
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