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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I really dislike wanton waste and lose all respect for ppl I see doing such things. It’s a native fish. I’d be all about catching dozens of them. I’ll try to remember to bring a dozen Prince Nymphs in size 16
  2. @Al Agnew Got any pictures of them Whitefish? Any other bycatch that would likely happen?
  3. 63) Spotted Bass I got this guy at the last stop of the day on a white Circus Peanut.
  4. 62) Mooneye Im so freaking excited about this one! I know what to look for when I see a group rising. I got them in multiple locations. Only left to to catch some on dry flys.
  5. 61) Carmine Shiner i swapped for a more definitive Carmine Shiner pic.
  6. at the midpole, 1) Goal was to get all 5 North American Gar Species on fly: I have Florida Gar, Spotted Gar, and Shortnose Gar. Longnose Gar will happen soon and then the pressure ratches WAY up to go to Texas or Louisiana Coast for an Alligator Gar. 2) Goal was Get Lifer List to 225: Done! Gonna see if I can push this further along. 3) stated goal was 75 species on fly and 150 on hook and line: sitting at 62 / 111. Still grinding. 4) Goal was to get Lifetime on Fly to 100 species: Making very good progress here. Thanks Florida! Sitting at 88. This should get done, but I have to go make it happen. 5) Goal was to catch a fish in 7 "new" Arkansas counties. Sad Face. No progress here at all. Zeroed the one time I went to new counties. 6) Goal was to catch a Snakehead on Fly : I freaking did it! and I have learned more about Snakehead and plan on getting @FishnDave one added to his Life List with the next 365 days I was surprised to see that I didn't set a number of fish caught which is cool since I am Waaaaaayyyy down on numbers. 51 trips and 1059 fish caught so far. The multispecies ting takes a toll.
  7. I still need to make a shad trip. Ive been wanting to for over a decade. 😐
  8. I am relived/encouraged/bemused that there are other crazy people taking crazy fishing trips. Have you considered all the FUN other fish that you might try for aa little bit along the way? Bull Trout would be Grand! You might plan a backup for where you could at least get a small one. I'd LOVE a Mountain Whitefish almost as much as a Bull Trout though.
  9. Two years ago I went on my first exploring trip there. I ran down river about 6 1/2 miles below the ramp and saw some very large feeding very aggressively. I suspected Alligator Gar. Officially, they historically were there, but are not there any longer. Oddly enough, pretty sure my son saw a snakehead within sight of the Batesvillie dam yesterday.
  10. We saw a pretty decent Gar swimming along with a Big Skipjack sideways in its mouth.
  11. Did you guess White River? That’s probably a fun idea wherever you might bump into skipjack, but Im already jousting soooooo many windmills
  12. 60) Skipjack Love these guys. They used to be a unicorn fish for me, but I’ve got spots where I can reliably find them now. kinda a pain on fly because the strike to hookup ratio is crap second Pic was on spinning but cool colors
  13. 66 Species! (I love that number).
  14. Outstanding!
  15. 59) Yellow Bass Caught a couple during the Odyssey tourny.
  16. Man, I appreciate you coming down and being all in. It’s a crazy deal. Our Bowfin Catch was crazy cool and I’ll remember it for as long as I live.
  17. https://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2023/06/11/hada-wins-second-all-species-odyssey/
  18. @FishinDave and I just wrapped up another Dally’s All Species Odyssey tournament. it’s a unique fishing tournament that is right up my alley. I should be able to win it, buttttttt it ain’t easy. I’m not the only guy that wants to catch everything that swims. I will try to post a link to Dally’s blog so you can read about in more detail, but I’ll hit the high points. there are 35 target species that are score able. You have to treat your fish with kid gloves as it is a Catch and Release Tourny. You fish as a team and have to photograph the fish with a team ID in a pic which basically makes it a 3 handed chore. the list of fish is known and since I am known to roam around AR, I am constantly looking for places consistent and reliable populations of target species . Most species wins, but points are awarded for the various species to act as a tie breaker. Last year, we dropped from 2nd to 3rd because we had 5 less points than the second place winners. We was robbed. You fish from approximately 12 noon shotgun start on Saturday to 8 pm Saturday. Then start again at 6 am and stop at 12 noon. You can’t win it local, but the further you drive, the less fishing time you have. Tourny starts and Dave and immediately drive an hour away and fished a tributary of the Buffalo. It took a Hot minute, but we got the four species that I had planned on. Longear, Green Sunfish, (the all important) Ozark Bass, and a Smallmouth. The Smallie proves to be a challenge, But I got one. back in the car for another hour. I introduced Dave to Hwy 123. Eventually, we fished a small creek that runs into the Arkansas River. I waded into some funky looking water and was rewarded with a small Bluegill. Dave stayed relatively dry and worked out a Redear. I was feeling Good about 6 species. Off to another stop. Arkansas River backwater trying for LMB and Spotted Bass. I whiffed on a chance on a 13 inch LMB that ate my popper. No idea why the hook didn’t grab. off to our final stop of the day, The Arkansas River. I was confident that we could get at least 3 species, and was hoping for 5. We were fishing below a power station. Water was projected to be running. It was not. Undeterred, I promised Dave a Drum AND he got it pretty quickly. I hung around and eventually got us a Yellow Bass. I asked Dave to be my Hero and get a Channel Catfish AND By God, he did it! we are running out of time and shifted locations a few times. I missed a strike and told Dave that was a gar. Followed up cast resulted in a solid hook up. Shortnose Gar! I was carefully fighting it, but it came off. That stung and still stings. We finished the day with 9 species and a tie for first place. But then we had the 4 hour drive to our resting spot to the evening. We got about 4 1/2 hours of sleep and then up and at em again. Hit an area we both had fished a lot previously. I caught us a Rainbow trout quickly, but we did not catch our other target a Grass Pickerel. Ran close by and tried for a LMB where I had seen some, but no soap. Back in the car again. Another 1 1/2 hours. Another good Grass Pickerel proved fruitless, but Dave got us a LMB and his Flyfer Flier. Happy times indeed. fished a heavily vegetated creek. Dave hooked a Spotted Gar, but lost it in some near shore weeds. Sad sad sad. but Dave comes through again and catches a Black Crappie. Amazing. I switched over and started fishing for Bowfin exclusively. I moved to a shaded pool and made a blind cast and a BIg female ate it almost immediately. I stuck her and the crazy started. I had her on for a while, but she said nah. Bummed but hopeful I kept plugging away. Dave caught a flier while trying for Gar and as he was bringing it in a Bowfin rushed I. From somewhere and attacked his Flier. I ran over and we pulled a bait and switch. The Red Hot Bowfin ate my well placed Fly after he missed out on the Flier. The fight was pretty epic. I was stressed, but the hook held. Dave had the dirty work of getting it in the net, but he got it done. I was stoked!!! we tried to the last minute to get additional species, but it was not to be. We finished with 13 species and that was Good for second. The winners had 14, but would have beaten us with their bonus points even if we had gotten a 14 th species. I am fishing this thing for bragging rights primarily and I would fish it if there were no prizes, but Dave and I won certificates for Riversmith 2 Banger Rod Quivers with Standard Mounts. We will both probably be looking for a buyer. Great product, but doesn’t meet our needs really. Another Odyssey in the books. Lessons learned. Lots of laughs. Highs and Lows and 470 miles on the odometer Next years tourny will be June 8/9 2024. If you like to fly fish and you can catch a variety of species, Please consider fishing it next year.
  19. 58) Shortnose Gar I was pre fishing for Dally’s fly fishing tourny swinging tandem flys for yellow Bass and this guy whacked it instead. Shortbus Gar are so relatively easy to catch compared to Longnose.
  20. Dang! A man can trip of a trip like that. that all sounds Wonderful, Wonderful! except for the 20 plus wind
  21. I hope to get over there one day
  22. Nice Bighead! My understanding is that they occasionally take lures. I don’t think Silvers do.
  23. Looks Fun. More details?
  24. I Cooked up the snakehead tonight. It was Very Good. Most of it I deep fried in a beer batter. i want to grill one next time.
  25. Did you try my magic swimbait?
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