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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Ham

    Xcalibur is done

    SK's, Bandits, Lucky Strike, Academy H2O all good options.
  2. Ham

    Xcalibur is done

    Lots of pretty good square bills out there that are inexpensive.
  3. You guys have had a very mild winter. Full props though. Very impressive.
  4. Ham

    February trip

    I think I was below the dam one time when they were running water out of the conduit (guessing). It threw some crazy waves and odd currents. Not a fan. Of course that is just the immediate area of the dam that it matters.
  5. Ham

    Xcalibur is done

    If you are going to scrounge, now is the time. I like their square bills a bunch because I've caught fish on them and got most of them on markdown at Bass Pro Shops. I still have some new in package square bills if you want them. I'd make you a kinfolk deal. I have too much stuff. Last time I looked, Land Big Fish still had pork and those hard baits.
  6. Ham

    February trip

    Clearly, they will close the floodgates soon. I think it will be within 10 days for sure. I wish it would be tomorrow. They will be below 659 in less than a week at the current rate.
  7. and catfish in a river too
  8. I prefer an honest fish like a river smallie. During warmer water if conditions are halfway decent, they bite every day. God Bless Em.
  9. If you want a river walleye, I think I would look at the river below the dam at Stockton first. I love the Current River and I would suggest you fish it when you get the chance.
  10. All the tournaments are going out of the lower end. There are roughly 87 miles of water from BSL dam to Powersite Dam with lots of multi-mile creek arms running into the lake. I'm not too thrilled about it either, bit it doesn't have to be a deal breaker for him especially since he's talking upper lake. CF is on 4/9/16 likely 100 boats or so. Not really a big deal. Bass Cat tourney is on a Friday and Saturday (15/16) a lot of guys will practice all week. I won't pre fish it, but I'm going to fish it. BASS will fish it and Norfork. Fist two days on Bull and then switch to Norfork. Practice time will be split I would guess. Things should quiet down a bunch on 4/22.
  11. Not a big deal. Been there done that. Rod was fine. Caught fish. I'm amazed that the kid from Bation Rouge can handle the cold better than some locals.
  12. By design on who's part?
  13. Haters gonna hate
  14. K dock is uplake from Lead Hill. It is slightly north, but mainly west. I have never put in there my understanding is that the ramp and parking area are often affected by the lake level. Ducky Doty mentioned very limited parking recently, but no mention of a courtesy dock that I remember.
  15. That's one of the things that drives me crazy about White Bass. The light switch on and off nature of them. Last year my Dad and a friend went and found a big bay off of a river and literally could not throw a bait in the water without catching one, they caught 100's on a Tuesday I think. We went on a Thursday and barely caught anything there. We had to go find a different group of fish. At times, I know they are there, but they will not stinking bite. Im really trying to find them staged before that start the big spring runs.
  16. Yeah Dan, I don't mean to rain on your parade and I have been known to joust with the occasional windmill myself, but long odds to try to catch a walleye in the Current in 1 or 2 days. I think I have spent five 3 day trips on the Current (if I am remembering correctly) where we threw baits that should have some appeal to walleye and neither I nor my partner have caught any. 30 full days of fishing and zero walleye BUT we were well above the area MDC indicates is better fishing for them.
  17. Helmet, gloves, and windproof clothing prevent you from feeling any of the wind chill.
  18. hybrids are not supposed to be able to spawn successfully.
  19. Thanks tho1mas, I will look at the maps and try to get a feel for other areas a little close to Mtn Home. I am glad to hear that you had success doing what I hope to work out in some other areas
  20. So, I definitely noticed in Toledo Bend that the White Bass moved up lake following the old Sabine River channel to go up the Sabine and spawn by the 10's of thousands. I am sure that all the major creek arms had smaller runs of spawning fish and I know that people anchored boats and party barges near necked down bridge areas to intercept White Bass and crappie headed to and from the spawn in other creek arms to try and take advantage of that opportunity. Upper Toledo Bend was quite a long haul for a day trip (even a very successful one) from my old stomping grounds so I did not make that trip very often. What I would like to figure out is if White Bass head up lake to major creek arms and stage in deeper channels waiting for the right conditions to drive them on further up the creeks. Bull Shoals and Norfork are a good bit closer and I am willing to suffer some poor results trying to get dialed in on this, but I wondered if I could get confirmation from those that know if this is even an idea worth pursuing.
  21. somehow, it's always really darn cold when I fish Taneycomo. We always catch em pretty good, but I'm always cold.
  22. Buster Loving is amazing, but I'm not sure everyone is ready for his style of fishing. I'm not sure I'm ready.
  23. Give it a little while, there may soon be snow on the ground.
  24. Hound Dog. I Don't leave home without one. Doesn't always work BUT Almost always works in wood UNLESS the crankbait has wrapped on the limb. The dog has to be able to get direct to the bait. Don't drop the dog until you are in position or you might get the line caught on other wood before you get to your bait, Doing so is a very bad thing.
  25. The old metal lip Bomber crankbaits came in some fun colors back in the day. Coachdog was one I had some good luck on.
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