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Everything posted by Ham

  1. 20 MW is more than minimum flow. It is washable in some areas, but most of those areas would be beat accessed by boat. Perhaps you could rent a kayak.
  2. I'd swap out the rebel craw with a WTD surface lure, but other than that a pretty solid top 5.
  3. Well congrat the NoDat. NIce job. I hope they tipped well.
  4. Very Nice! You guys related?
  5. Thanks Phillip. I'll try not to be a pest, but I may touch base a time or two.
  6. So if I understand correctly, you feel like a warming trend is more important than an absolute temperature. Like other fish, they can be caught on smaller subtle baits fished slower in the cooler water. they get going really good when the water temps are in the mid 50's and I can fish some larger search baits to find them and switch to clean up lures once located. I moved up a few years ago and I'm still trying to figure them out up here. I always try to make it happen before it's time.
  7. That's sort of been my experience that the water temp needs to be < 60 degrees. What overall water temps do you see before there is a good pre-spawn bite (on any lure)?
  8. Hey GB, Have you ever been to Taneycomo. The White was lost as soon as they put dams on it, but the river isn't all that bad.
  9. I enjoyed the video. I'd love to hear your opinion on water temps that the A rig works best in and water temps as they affect White Bass behavior immediately pre-run and during the run.
  10. Ham

    Minimum Flow

    I caught eight trout yesterday that had lamprey attached so I guess it's that time of year. I fished Saturday and saw one rough fish that had a lamprey attached. I fished Sunday and caught one trout that have a lamprey attached. No need to freak out about lamprey. They are natural to the river system and their population is kept in check by the fact that all the sexually mature lamprey die after they spawn. Furthermore, they only feed on other fish for < 12 months. They use the extra nutrition to bulk prior to the rigors of their spawn. Having said that, they are creepy and disgusting and I get them out of the boat as soon as I can.
  11. Ham

    Minimum Flow

    I was not sure I would live to see minimum flow. It will be interesting to see the long term effects, but good and bad. Some areas are going to be tougher to wade in, but some areas will be improved. In will result in more fishing pressure, but the water should stay cooler and there should be more food for them to eat. The fish I am catching seem to be fat and happy. And I'm catching lots of them.
  12. I'd strongly recommend a guide at least for one day. I fished one day with and one day without a guide. I learned a lot that I brought home and applied to our waters. I caught a bunch on nice smallies and one over 20 inches with the guide and a 21 1/4 the next day w/o the guide. The New can be dangerous. Lots of ppl have drowned on it, but no one has ever drowned with a guide on the New.
  13. Driftboat for sale at Mountain Home Salvation Army. It looked new was previously registered in Arkansas. I've got no stake in it just figured someone might be interested.
  14. I love Electric Chicken in off color water which I almost never fish anymore. I wish I could limit myself to about 10 colors MAX. Less is more sometimes.
  15. There's no reason they can't do a better job of explaining themselves with clearly stated goals and some long term plans AND clearly defined limits of their authority and try again. It was pretty much dead in the water before I ever heard of it so I haven't spent time learning every detail about it. It certainly seemed to come quickly in from left field. What was the rush? Maybe I was too busy fishing and missed the last year's worth of Blueway discussion.
  16. What a dirtbag. I wish he would get what he deserves.
  17. There's plenty of that on both sides of the fence. Lot's of people continue to trust the government and other authorities to monitor and control things despite plenty of day to day experiences that show how inefficient and wrong headed bureaucracies can be. Is it better to blindly trust that smart people are going to right thing for me and for the environment than to be concerned about an ill defined organization with nebulous goals and uncertain powers? Chide people from your high horse about how they are being manipulated by scare tactics and right bloggers, but this was whole deal was poorly organized and thought out from the start and maybe that also should raise concerns about how well it would be run down the line. What saddens me is that so often people have to insult and demean those that dare disagree.
  18. Thanks for the heads up.
  19. Great job. Tough to jump thru all the hoops AFTER you manage to catch that trophy fish on the light line.
  20. We are moving into what I consider to be the worst part of the year for our lakes. I like to fish all day and the lakes right now are getting to be a very early bite or a shortly before dark until as long as you can stand it bite. I fisn the lakes in late fall / early winter and then again early spring until summer. Others may know how to fish them 365, but not me. Hiring a guide could really help move you along the learning curve a lot faster, but I understand the hesitation to do so. For sure though, if you get an invite with a knowledgable person to take you out, INSIST on paying for all the gas, etc. A great way to burn bridges is to be a cheap skate. and many people end up doing that without realizing it. It is VERY expensive to run a big boat and drag it all over to launch it. Non boat owners seem oblivious to that fact at times.
  21. I generally use a size 4 for jigging spoons in that size range. I fish a bare treble on my jigging spoons, but could see where dressed might help.
  22. I've never had a bad experience when I've gotten together with online fishing buddies for a fishing trip. I'm glad you guys ahd a good trip. The water sure didn't seem to have much flow, but maybe that's just a false impression I got from the photos posted.
  23. Spend some time on the Internet reading fishing reports (here and some of the resorts) and then spend time on the water. Basically, when you hear about a good bite, immediately go and try to make that work for you. You might want to get a notebook and write down seasonal patterns. Norfork is long drawn out creek arms that dish very differently from the main lake areas. You'll need to pick out a few areas and learn to fish those. Get a real good feel for their features, but remember the lake usually varies 20 foot or so in depth most years ie +/- 10 foot of water. Obviously, this complicates things a bit. There is a striper fishing club and those guys work together to figure the fish out. There is a Twin Lakes Walleye Club. With time, you'll make some fishing buddies and fish with them which helps a lot.
  24. I think it is fair to say the current administration has created this atomesphere by forcing things on the people it serves that they actively did not want. Certainly, there was potential for good in the Blueway designation and certainly there was potential for bad. Folks aren't trusting Team Obama a whole bunch and I can't say I blame them.
  25. i can offer very minimal advice on trolling. I've done very little of it, but with success every time I have tried it. It just doesn't really trip my trigger. I have not trolled in the K dock area, but I would troll points and flats near drop offs into deeper water. I'd look for fish on my electronics and try to run baits at or a few feet above that level. I'd keep my speed between 0.5 and 1.5 mph. Please let us know how you do.
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