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Everything posted by Ham

  1. 87) Redspot Chub
  2. 86) Cardinal Shiner
  3. Yeah well, I worked. You definitely had a Better Day than me.
  4. Are we still talking grass carp?
  5. Ham is very jealous right now.
  6. Landscape is a little different
  7. That's kinda blasphemy. Mahseer are in a class by themselves.
  8. I'm gonna say your John Deere would work for Goldies as well as the cream colored version of the John Deere. I know first hand the cream colored one works
  9. Catch any Bullheads or Pumpkinseed?
  10. Definitely, it's a stream I don't fish.
  11. Nice Hen!
  12. I looked about like a Roustabout at the restaurant after we fished.
  13. I'm good with whatever. She caught it. You know she caught it. I think she has a Creek Chub on her list.
  14. It was surprising manageable with the listed flow level. Water was still a pleasant temp.
  15. I caught some fish.
  16. Short shakedown float for Eric's new boat. comedy of errors. Fun was had.
  17. I'm Very Happy with it in my boat Waldo.
  18. Lots of variety in the salty stuff for sure. Fun fish!
  19. I hope I never get to Stage 3
  20. I'd be more in favor of enforcing existing laws BEFORE adding new ones. Way too much bait fishing goes on in catch and release areas. There just aren't enough agents to enforce the laws. regulations should help guide our behavior so that we fish in a way that doesn't harm the resource. TBH, the main I don't throw jerkbaits for trout more is that it can be awful rough on the little ones, but to each his own.
  21. Let me repeat Marty's request that you get the call the vaccine ASAP. We have a lot of ppl in the hospital I work at. We are doing our best to care for them, but we have deaths every day. This variety seems to be much better at killing young ppl. We have had multiple death in ppl <35 years old. most of the ppl getting ill are unvaccinated. IF you choose to remain unvaccinated and become infected with Covid , Please consider getting an antibody infusion ASAP. It has shown itself to be very helpful at keeping ppl out of the hospital and making for a milder stay in the hospital for the handful that have been admitted after getting mab antibodies.
  22. My Gar really showed off and made a lot of long runs. it was tired and had to rest at my feet for a while.
  23. 85) Longnose Gar ; This one was a Long Time coming. I broke a Big one off in heavy current in Oklahoma. Hung several in Strawberry River. Missed chances. I honestly believe flyrod might be the best way for me to catch them. This fish was on fly. @BilletHead ties a Good Clouser Minnow and is a constant inspiration to pick up the long rod.
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