I’m a numbers guy, but I expect 2020 to be more about new experiences. I have a trip lined up for Mexico, hoping for a New England trip, hoping for Carp on the fly in Michigan, trying for a Sandhills Nebraska Trip, and still trying to line up a Venice bass fishing trip.
My man Marty is making me want to wave the fairy wand more.
I intend to fish the Spring River in OK.
I’m hoping for a follow up Redear trip with Quillback.
I’d like to get Waldo on the stretch of the White above Eureka Springs.
Waldo also needs to ply the waters of the Strawberry River.
I’m going to try for 10 states fished this year.
And let’s try for 10 Benjamin’s and 20 Fifty Burgers
so let’s say modest numbers like 3000 total fish
a Great Big number of fish species caught like say 75 total species. I want 13 lifers in that mix.
Including an American Eel which I failed to do in 2019.
pics or it didn’t happen right.
What are you hoping for in 2020?