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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I heard the wind blew a little bit Saturday. I was unable to go fishing to see it for myself. Can anyone confirm this report?
  2. Aww John, you went to the Current river without me?
  3. You spend so much on rods and reels and fluro that you need someone else to buy the boat.
  4. Not yet, besides I'm taking the Kitty cat out to stretch its legs tomorrow
  5. Which begs the question, why would you need to bring 30-40 rods?
  6. Like the Warts and Brad's Wigglers, there are separate color likes for the salmon guys. Some of the colors are used by both.
  7. TR has better average size. Stockton has better everything else well except hat the wind is often MUCH worse at Stockton than TR. Less people and more fish. More walleye, more crappie, lots of White Bass, more bass but smaller on average, and likely less smallies although we caught them good. These are just my opinions. I'm not a regular at either lake. If I could chose ONLY one, I'd take Stockton EVERY time. Just sayin.
  8. There are some on here that don't think a Bass Cat P2 with a 200 HP is enough boat for TR.
  9. Rebel
  10. Those Kansas guys. Flat earth types.
  11. Sorry mojo. I'm going to be somewhere else catching my own fish.
  12. Now is the time! I hope it is this crazy good for decades, but just in case it isn't.
  13. TANK !
  14. I was expecting a bonus walleye, but that's even better. Good for you and Good for Y'all.
  15. The meat has a wonderful texture, but to me almost no taste. It is more of function of how you prep it to get that taste. I prefer to grill them with butter and creole seasoning. Or fried with a beer batter or tempura. all of those options are Pretty fantastic. The flavor of crappie is better IMO. I even like LMB as much as walleye. Griz fixed us some sucker at the most recent Jigfest and there wasn't a thing in the world wrong with it.
  16. Sometimes the fish aren't biting all day. It wouldn't matter what you were doing, you just aren't going to catch them until they start biting and then you can do no wrong. I always blame myself if I am not getting bit, but sometimes the fish just don't bite.
  17. And I'm sure you're Happy about that.
  18. Go to Stockton, bounce a 3/8 oz football jig head with a hula grub in water from 15-30 of water in the little creek arms. It will happen. You can also stumble across them by dragging a grub on the flat points at Stockton as well 5 foot to 25 foot. A Fat Albert Grubor 4 inch grub. Easy.
  19. There's a fine line between being humble and sand bagging. You Sir are selling yourself short. Thanks very much for the report. It doesn't help my feelings since I wasn't able to go Saturday, but glad to see that someone was able to go catch some fish. It's killing me knowing whats happening and not being able to take part. Work and life sure do get in the way of my fishing.
  20. I thought my buddy might have caught that same fish before, but I compared photos and I am incorrect. I still have a guess as to location, but I will keep it to myself.
  21. To each his own, but I have spots on Bull Shoals that would be worthless if a couple of boats a week fished them. I sometimes choose to share information, but it is usually types of areas and general technique information. I have no desire to pull extra boats onto areas I have worked out for myself and I'm never ever giving anything away that was shared with me by someone else.
  22. Funny story about sharing information. We were having a family reunion in Northern Louisiana. At the time, the Red River was a relatively new fishery. Numbers of fish were exploding. Max size was pretty limited say 6 lb or so, but plenty of 12-17 inch bass. Fun, Fun, Fun fishing. So my cousins were not all that familiar with the Red river or river fishing. My Dad was fishing the Red a bunch. SO, he laid it all out of them. Told them where to go and exactly what to do to catch fish. They go out and catch a bunch of fish and then they are bragging about what they did and what they know to the guy who had told them all about it. Never a Thank You or a boy were you right. They are good at catching fish once you tell them where and how, but not so Great at being humble or Thankful.
  23. Tough deal. We've all been there in some way or another. It gets better. (I hope).
  24. I think that's a Coosa hull design issue. Mine stays bogged in. You ARE pushing a lot of water compared to a Tarpon or Cuda hull.
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