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Everything posted by Smalliebigs

  1. Does anyone want to wade up a weird little creek that connects with the Big for some feesh??.... I need to get back in the game
  2. I might do that but, I may also try to fish so I will have to think
  3. Awesome deal Al.... congrats to your bro and you for getting out together and obviously the fish he caught wow!!! That Smallie is another league as you know..... mercy mercy that’s cool!!
  4. Dang man!!! Personally that is one of the best ones I have ever seen, whoever you had do that is working a very high level.
  5. Dude watching you and Aaron just obliterate so many nice Smallies so fast was just one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I was honored to be there just to watch and net your guys fish hahahaha.......AWESOME stuff my friend. That pig you caught was such a sweet fish, when you get to see a legit 20+ up close and hold them it is really a cool thing. You and Aaron rock brother!!!
  6. Mice mixed bag baby!!
  7. Awesome report Dave......keep on rocking it brother and we need to get together this Summer man!!!
  8. Nice Smallie Alex kudos brother 🙂
  9. Heck yeah!!!.... kudos on what sounded like a very fun bite and at a crucial time hahahaha
  10. Awesome!!!.... cool pic😀
  11. Thank you sir.... our home river produces some fat bottom girls that is for sure🙂 or at least I’m pretty sure it’s your home river hahaha
  12. It was good to get out and thank you. Starting off the Spring with a fish like that is always a blessing just another one of the memories with my buddy I will cherish. That fish freight trained me when it hit and just about took the rod out of my hand... those are the moments that make me the messed up freak I am.
  13. The Lower Mec is a fickled beast at best. The flow rate right now is not optimal. I have also found historically anytime the flow is restricted or backed up below Flamm it seems to do weirds things all the way up to Rte. 66. The best part about the Lower Mec is most people can’t do anything down here and tend to stay away after futility but, I know you ain’t one of them hahahaha. once we get some stabilization you will be destroying them. I also wanted ask you about the bridge footing construction @ 44 kinda wild and the fishing has been different since they started that IMO
  14. Yer very nice to do that and I commend you Cwallis
  15. yep NDyakangler has some of THE best on Youtube.......and he is a pretty cool guy as well.
  16. that spot is completely dependent on how much water is coming out of the lake and how high the river is......if any part of the equation changes those fish are gone real fast
  17. No need to worry about fishing a river versus a lake..... I will take a river every time my friend as they produce beautiful things🙂
  18. good for you man!!!! and thanks for the work on the logjams brother!!!
  19. I went fishing with my good buddy Mitch Fields yesterday. We had a blast as usual and every now and then even a blind squirrel finds an acorn 😜
  20. very nice report and man I really love the fact that you catch actual legit fish and don't have to resort to a floating piece of poo. You are the man!!! and I really can't wait for your next report.
  21. One thing I do know is this......The opinions of some guys on a fishing forum about our alleged doom coming because our climate is changing is pure entertainment to me. hahahahahahahaha......you guys messing with Wrench because he has an opinion just like you do, just not the same is about as gay as it gets.
  22. the trash bash will be cancelled for sure....no doubt and the river is just bringing more trash in as I type this. Can we just go fishing???....come on man.....I have some baits for you
  23. My SeaArk lends itself to hauling trash haha.... sturdy and wide and the mud washes quite easy. im bringing her 20 ft posterior down to TRock and Bull here shortly for a tour😉
  24. Come on and help me and others try to combat lazy people who litter. You can ride in my SeaArk and help me run tires and other nasty items. https://mdc.mo.gov/newsroom/mdc’s-columbia-bottom-conservation-area-serves-starting-location-11th-annual-confluence I will for warn you we will see some stuff that will probably bum you out but, help me get it to the dumpsters 🙂
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