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Everything posted by Smalliebigs

  1. Al I have 3 different swimbait molds I pour from including a new screw lock head which I’m still forming opinions on. If you would like some to try out just give me a holler old friend and I’ll give you bags lol All of my molds were made for very nice Owner hooks, two are lighter wire and the screw locks are a tad heavier gauge.
  2. Paul also matched the craw we see in our other home river or at least the ones we see there
  3. Paul also matched the Spothanded craw
  4. MOsmallies tied me up some jigs and all I can say is it’s good to have mad genius friends who are tackle junkies. He tried to match craws that are very prevalent in the water sheds we fish. Finally someone has produced a jig for my home river. Paul you are a darn artist. This is how I continue to pull nice bass from the river consistently because of buddies like Paul 🙂
  5. Natural immunity from getting the Virus and getting over it is such a infinitely higher level of immunity than the shots they are testing on you guys. I am extremely grateful for getting Covid and getting over it and moving on. Most of my immediate family our physicians and run busy practices or are ICU Neurologists. They all were forced into a shot and they are the only people I know who have had Covid more than once. They are also exposed to it on a daily basis for the most part as well. The reengineering of your immune systems have been completed by getting a non attenuated shot.
  6. A friend told me Beast Craft is a must…. Is as tiny as they say??
  7. This would be my list but, I have Two smokers now and smoke my own meat mostly brisket lol more than I go out. 1) Pappy’s 2)smoking barrels 3) the Shaved Duck 4) Dalie’s 5)bogarts don’t wast your money on any of the chains as they suck or come by my place as my Uncle is giving me some of the BEST briskets from his herd in Summerville we have ever had..
  8. woah!!!! Message me asap please 🙂
  9. Nice shoes!!!! I have 4 pair for the rest of my life 😜 and man that looks like a tank Hybrid cool pics!!!
  10. Well the wife bitched at me to do some BS pertaining to Christmas lights and I poured a triple Pickney Bend and Tonic and strolled back over to river lol Don’t worry I didn’t drive but, it wasn’t a short walk, I fished right by my house in a super deep hole that all the Chinese fish and wham bam thank you mam they were there hahaha I honestly think it was the Gin It ain’t easy to get pics of the darn things by yourself I did my best pfft Walked back in time for some this football game lol
  11. I have been told they taste killer. I have a few 7wt set ups would that hold up to a 10lb hybrid?? It would be fun no doubt lol
  12. Yeah they have a hold of me I guess lol….. used to pretty much fish for Black bass on the river, now it’s Temperates stuck in my brain and they can make a fool of ya which I actually like.
  13. Well I guess you take the good with the bad chasing these crazy SOB’s….. yesterday no phone and caught 3 in a row 24 to 27 inches. Talked monkey dodo today and took my phone for pics and not much love lol Happy New Year to all you freaks
  14. I am going to go nail some Hybrids as they have never really quit biting in this weird weather. They have become a tad boring but, I went Winter bass fishing the other day and caught a fat 19.5 incher and it fought like limp wet sock compared to the crap I’m trying to haul out of the river. So the Hybrids have spoiled me some in that respect. I hope all you guys have a prosperous New year and keep your families close if that’s what you like lol. I’ll post my results when I come back and start drinking my Pinckney Bend Gin 🙂
  15. Oh no they come up on my device virtually every visit here you are not the only one at all. Does it bother me???? ~~ no!!! But, they are there on a pc or my phone
  16. I’m not a hunter at all. I shot one Buck before they allowed hunting over here. I wouldn’t know a Roman nose from a potbelly but, I do have a couple of Roman made swimbaits lol I know these guys love the sunflower I put out for the birds lol
  17. These guys don’t care about me they care about one thing. I can get within 5 to 10 yards from any of these city bucks. They congregate in my yard at night which seems weird but, I am in Kirkwood lol here is a bonus video where I could have skewered him
  18. This guy doesn’t have the biggest rack but, he is beating the hell out of the old moose deer who has been dominant for a while. This young dude has taken over 🙂
  19. Nope that makes him a wannabe gaper lol
  20. I catch Browns in every urban lake I have fished and I have caught multiple, multiple lunkers out of every lake I have fished that the MDC stocked for the ghetto trout program. It’s one of the dumbest things I have ever seen but, because I used to be a fly guy and still have plenty of long rods I go over and catch my share for a few days and don’t go back until the next Fall, it is embarrassing and about as gay as it gets as far as fishing goes.I try not to take pics as it is embarrassing as hell but, there is most definitely Browns in the ponds and big trout as well lol
  21. Very true and pathetic
  22. I know a bunch of you will laugh at this suggestion but, my Duckett White Ice cranking rods are simply badass for cranking.
  23. No monkey dodo….. most of these country boys would wet themselves with fear in Maplewood or Florissant much less the actual city lol
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