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About brittsnbirds

  • Birthday February 23

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  • Interests
    Fly fishing and fly tying.

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Rock Bass

Rock Bass (42/89)



  1. Sweet. Guess I could just texted you!!🤪
  2. Does anyone know if they (IcampMO) are requiring a reservation for winter campong at BSSP? Years ago they had an honor system during catch and release season in CG1. Thanks
  3. Disregard, found my own answer. Just wish I could get away to take advantage of the free fishing!! If I was NoLuck I definitely would!!
  4. So the MDC website says the BSSP is closed. However you go on the trout cam and see people fishing. So is it closed (and people walking in) or is it open and you can buy a trout tag but no camping??
  5. Wish the Cuz and I could. Posed the question to my social director and she thought I had other things to do. So will wait for C&R. Not a fan of dragging the 5th wheel down when the roads can freeze, assuming CG1 will be available (without water of course). Will let you know off post.
  6. Don't expect to catch any size of fish. I barely found some to take home. The ones we did keep would have been on the smaller side normally. Rumor has it that Roaring River brought a bunch of small units up and threw them in the river because they were doing work on their hatchery system leaving them with no where to put the fish. I was down there last Thursday to Monday. Caught several fish but most were little, 6 - 8". The water was starting to clear up by the time I left. FWIW
  7. I remember having many conversations with Larry after he noticed my Brittany hanging out of my truck. We shared stories of our pheasant hunter adventures. Larry always would welcome Dixie into his shop for some petting. He will be missed. Very sorry for the family and all his patrons loss.
  8. Looking at the charts they put out looks like BSSP was only down by 75 or so tags from last year. RRSP took the lead this year with 1684, Montauk with 1624 and BSSP at 1576. Wish I could have made it and stayed through next week. Fishing in the snow is a blast!! Those of you from St. Louis should head back by Saturday evening. Looks like your going to get it right after us in KCMO area.
  9. That is so sad that they have to put such an ugly POS up to make people follow the rules. It was one thing to put up some stupid looking painted plywood picture taking props at the lodge but to put this up is over the top. What happened to the rustic looking, keep it simply type of atmosphere? As far as shutting down the pool, I'm for it. If they don't, they will have to raise camping and other fees to pay for the maintenance. I'm definitely not a fan of that since I don' use or ever will use the pool. Go to one of the river accesses and swim like we use to!!
  10. Speaking of round the campfire........................5-28 thru 6-1?
  11. Yep your right NoLuck, but I prefer my 9' 5wt!! Had to delete my disrespectful comment as it was not in good form.
  12. Actually that technique at BSSP is way over rated........ so over rated that you can't hardly get into the hole above the dam. One of the most productive techniques that I use, but don't tell anyone.
  13. Just up from the handicap wing dam by the gauge house. There is a flat with slow water there or just below the wing dam in the Holland hole.
  14. Pretty much sucked!! Water is very dingy. Only action has been in CG 4 yesterday 3 cars and 4 PR's babysetting some boys that cant play together well (alcohol?). Then just a few minutes ago another one went up the hill. What the heck is going on down here. Can't people get along?
  15. The Cuz and I are in. Maybe a couple other fellows that haven't decided. As far as fishing elbow to elbow, who needs that? Just wait until they get their 4 then go to breakfast. Usually is plenty of room then. Not any worse than a warm summer day on a weekend. Granted I would rather have it to myself but my schedule allowed me to be there so I'm going. Usually a good show!
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