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David Unnerstall

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by David Unnerstall

  1. I saw Heartsfield at the Wildey in Edwardsville with, I recall, one original member. Same with Gypsy and Rennaissance. I am reluctant to pay to see re-enactment bands. But you know it is just about the music and each of these bands are in a class of their own. The same applies to The Daredevil's.
  2. Ironton has Shepard Mountain downhill bike path. If a doctor told me I had fifteen minutes to live that is where I will be.
  3. All I saw was "Annapolis" in the screenshots that were posted. The original post in Facebook does not exist, anymore. The article in The Mountain Echo does not mention exact location. I am just curious.
  4. OK one article says he is from Desloge. But is it know where he shot this mountain lion?
  5. Derek, I am rooting for you. Where are you getting parts for this? Or did I miss mention of it?
  6. Hank Patterson is just what we need around here.
  7. I think we have a consensus. Thanks.
  8. And a lot of nails to step on. I did it use for an archery target with a big rug.
  9. Does anyone have an idea of what this can be? It was in the garage of my last house. I am getting rid of stuff around here.
  10. I am so happy you got back to this. Be prepared to be a celebrity wherever you take this.
  11. I am in the process of painting my house. I worked all day the first day it hit one hundred degrees. I chew ice cubes -- it cools you from the inside. I learned that when I had a work vehicle with no air conditioning. But this week I am just waiting for the weather to change.
  12. That sounds like the answer. I have to be able to come home at a moment's notice. But I have never had a problem sending or receiving texts. I assume they consume less bandwidth. But if I ever lose confidence in the process I will have to go to the Spot Satellite.
  13. I had Verizon while working but went to AT&T since. The maps show AT&T has better coverage but I had better performance with Verizon. In the Arcadia Valley I have a cell amp but coverage is less than ideal. And while at Mark Twain Lake when my buddy Bob dropped my truck key in the lake we were calling around to get someone to bring my spare key. We could see three towers but could not make a call. We both have AT&T.
  14. When I used to travel for business I would look up German restaurants. I need to find a reason to visit here.
  15. My father would clobber me if he saw me using a crescent wrench.
  16. My buddy Phil and I saw Elvin and Charlie Musselwhite at the Sheldon a few weeks ago. What a harp player Charlie is. And they had their own amps on stage and house microphones were positioned right in from of them. I assume they are vacuum tube amps and Elvin and Charlie prefer their sound.
  17. This is the society we live in. Maybe it wasn't this way in the past and our infatuation with social media has created this need for attention... or maybe not. This tendency was on full display watching that character who caught Pujol's 7003 home run ball. He was just in the right place and now he is famous and loving every minute of it.
  18. In my grade school the principal had one on his wall labelled " The Board of Education."
  19. This is amazing. It appears you have enough inertia in the project to continue on. We had a regular contributor -- I believe @Woodman -- who was amazing at this sort of thing. I epoxied my cedar stripper outside in the carport. It turned out to be a humid night and all of the epoxy is blemished. I was unsure about sanding it off with the fiberglass cloth so it remains as is. It does not affect its navigability and it does look good from a distance but that is what my wife says about me. And I wish there was an orbital sander that had the shape of the interior of a canoe. Keep us updated on this.
  20. Yeah -- pretty much. He did some comedy albums and Jack Carney would play them on Saturday mornings. My last out of town project for CSI was in Houma, Louisiana. Trying to speak Cajun is fun.
  21. I tell you five or four times, now, I gots five words for you all: red beans and rice with andouille. Now goes and did that.
  22. Yeah but it was Duane and Dickie's guitar licks that made Midnight Rider immortal..
  23. Could that be Ness' Uncle Red?
  24. Ness, this is the funniest thing I have ever read on here.
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