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David Unnerstall

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by David Unnerstall

  1. RPS, actually my profile picture was taken at Marble Creek and that is a bottle of Bushmills. And an Oliva Serie V cigar.
  2. Mitch and Chief: Stop it and get along! Regarding Bourbon vs. Scotch: I was a scotch drinker but the single malts have priced me out. I liked Oban but there is no way I can justify buying it. I now drink bourbon -- it seems to go better with my pipe smoking. I like Dickell 12 year old -- I think is the best combination of quality and price.
  3. I have seen that a million times and I STILL close my eyes before that snake comes down.
  4. I have to sit on the bottom of my cedar strip solo. I have no issues casting. But I have yet to try a fly rod.
  5. Ok so she said Hillary lied about the video (at least we now have established somebody is lying). But she is implying that caused the killings.
  6. Mitch, Dump out all of the pieces of paper in the honey-Do jar and replace them with pieces of paper that says "Go Fishing."
  7. Mitch, What did Hillary say that was a lie? Here is a post from Politifact that claims there is no evidence: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/feb/09/what-did-hillary-clinton-tell-families-people-who-/ and there are others.
  8. Quillback, We all WANT to believe it is the Democrats who have spent us into debt but the numbers don't support it. Deficit spending started with Reagan and Bush One, Clinton reduced deficit spending with Bush Two it went up and has been going down the last seven and a half years. Sixty seconds on the Google will prove this.
  9. Jerry, this is fun to believe and even more fun to say out loud but that can be said about any group.
  11. Ham, no the fish. The others might be uglier if they had those scales. It's those scales.....
  12. That is what I am saying.
  13. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone but those are the ugliest beasts on this earth. I get the willy's looking at them.
  14. I have been eating cherry tomatoes and the others are turning orange. But I put out the broccoli too late. I feel so bad it just wilts in this heat and I am committing some sort of plant abuse.
  15. I hope I NEVER have to make THAT choice.
  16. 'Way to go, Marcus. It is good to know there are Walleye up there.
  17. I agree on the dedicated ground wire and on soldering all connections.
  18. Back down in neutral...well to save wear on the brakes and transmission...and to minimize the time the brake lights are lit to keep them from getting hot.
  19. Oh, I am still a "Hornyhead Chub" but I guess I always have been.
  20. I think is has an effect on our attitude. When I was a "Bigmouth Buffalo" I tried to stir the pot a bit. When I was a "Hornyhead Chub" all I could think about was bikinis.
  21. It is hard to pull a water skier with a trolling motor. I suspect he would lose interest after a while.
  22. Did someone actually get in that or did you tow it along as a barge?
  23. I agree -- trolling-motor-only or horsepower-limit lakes.
  24. I will tell you what I have done is stop wearing hiking shoes and wear shoes that I can kick off. The old Chrysler only does 22 mph at its sweet spot.
  25. Whenever I have enough time to get out for a few hours but not enough to get out of town I head to Spanish Lake with my cedar stripper. I have caught decent numbers in the past but not recently. Two weeks ago I launched in North/Sunfish Lake(s) just next to Spanish Lake. I have never had much success, there, but that is close to a wilderness experience whereas Spanish Lake is CONSTANT noise. I caught three LM that were just born in a couple hours. It does mean that bass are spawning and maybe, down the road, there will be a stable population.
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