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David Unnerstall

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by David Unnerstall

  1. I am sure that a 17" bass is impressive to most of us. It certainly is to me. Congratulations.
  2. That reminds me of a deer season where a flock came up from behind me as I was on the ground and took to roost all around me. Billethead, I have hunted turkeys during the spring for more that thirty years but how does one call in turkeys in the fall? And I advise to stay away from the lottery tickets, also. It is voluntary taxation.
  3. + (whatever it is up to, now) Wool does not feel wet when it is wet. Cotton does. I use fingerless wool gloves.
  4. I am setting my wife's booth at Ferguson Farmers Market later this month. After reading this on the bass in lakes stocked with trout.....I think I am headed up to January-Wabash, that morning.
  5. No but I did talk to crappie fishermen and it was tough for them. I did not see another boat bring up any fish.
  6. I got the boat out of storage for the first time this year and fished Mark Twain Lake last weekend. The numbers were good but we didn't catch anything with much size. I did catch my first fish with the Ned Rig but he got off before I got I got my fingers on him. MTL is probably not the lake for the Ned Rig -- the lake depth will go to 40 feet 10 feet from the bank. There can only be a foot or so where there is a shelf that you can work it properly and keep it at the right depth. This is the biggest fish we caught, on a crawdad-colored wart: It seems we were only successful on main lake points; once we got back in the coves the bite stopped. My buddy Bob with fish typical of what was biting: And for a few minutes stripers were hitting a white Road Runner right at the bank. But that stopped and only bluegill hit the Roadrunner.
  7. I think a lot about the stories you hear of people who have been around water all of their life suddenly drowning and there is no way to determine exactly what happened. I know if I ever caught a 10-lb bass I am going to have a heart attack and fall in the water and no one will know what happened.
  8. If my next truck has a step bumper I am going to remove it. I have left too many things on it.
  9. Marcus, Thanks for the report. I have the old Chrysler out of storage and heading up there Friday morning. I will rent a slip at Black Jack.
  10. Insurance companies benefit more from DWI's than the state. I wonder how many members of the General Assembly are insurance agents.
  11. There are always boats, there. I fished in in my cedar-stripper on Monday but had no luck. It is not to say there aren't fish there -- I have been in bad slump for a couple of years, now. I threw the NED rig, a storm wart and a tandem spinner bait.
  12. What makes one decide when to use a spoon? Is it when we are having no luck beating the banks?
  13. Wrench, Now that you mention it I do see more spiders. It seems I am walking into a lot more webs, this year, also.
  14. He is a bit of a show-off if you ask me. I have done most of that stuff...it's just that it was unintentional at the time.
  15. Man I do appreciate you all letting me hang around here. I would not-a-knowed this otherwise.
  16. That is awesome. I did not know there are words to it. I am off to Facebook.
  17. This is a great country.
  18. I like that song. But if we are to have an official OAF theme song I would have to suggest Ozark Mountain Daredevil's "Beauty In The River."
  19. Good work. And now you have a brand new boat outfitted the way you want. I like to see people doing these things instead of filling up our landfills.
  20. Or in front of a computer reading a fishing forum like I am doing. But a great post, Foxman, I enjoyed reading it.
  21. Ahhh I am trying to get to Heaven. And I am pretty sure if I shoot someone and the circumstances weren't what they seemed to be I would have to be buried in an asbestos casket. If I shot someone for just stealing my stuff, the asbestos probably won't be enough.
  22. I saw her in an ad on MeTV last night. She is still hot.
  23. I want to wait until seven. I like to have a cocktail or two with dinner so I need to get my chores done before eating.
  24. I am 56. I do remember the promise I made to myself when I was young that I was not going to sound like a crabby old man and complain about kids, today.
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