Al Agnew said
"I would have gone for a ban on all gas engines on the Meramec in a heartbeat back in the 1980s when jets first came into popularity. Now, unfortunately, the genie is out of the bottle. Way too many people who own jetboats, including me. It's just a symptom of the fact that we are using these rivers to death, whether it be jetboats or rental canoes, kayaks, and rafts. But I still wish that somebody would have been proactive back when the first jetboats were appearing on these streams and done something THEN to control their use. It could have been done then, before many people owned them. And the rivers would have been a lot better for it”
Al has made this point several times. If you substitute White River for Meramec this statement reflects the current situation on the Arkansas tailwater. The 1980’s is the same as pre-minimum flow on the White. Since the dam has been in place the use of high powered boats has been self regulated by the unpredictable and reoccurring low water. Once minimum flow is in place the river may only drop below 800 cfs during drought. 800 cfs is enough water to run a high powered boat through all but a few shoals. Once people invest in high power, high speed boats and the dealers are in place you will never get this “genie back in the bottle”. Now is the time for the people of Arkansas to be proactive, don’t let White River become what the Meramec and Gasconade are. Gone will the idyllic days of quaint traditional boats puttering around. The boats will be replaced by water craft that travel at such speeds they nearly fly and have a roar more akin to an airplane than a boat.
Al, Sorry for stealing your quote from a different thread. I’m not sure of the protocol but it makes the point better than I could have.