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Everything posted by gurumalone

  1. Did you fish at all,buttermilk Bay is right at cedar hollow at pt12?
  2. fill live well,add ice,you want water 10 to 12 degrees cooler than surface temp,add g juice or rejuvenate,i add three small cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide,i bought a bubbler with a stone,turn livewell to recicirulate,run aerators. also they make clips for fish caught in deep water that holds the fish in upright postion at bottom of livewell,instead of laying on its side,also fill live wells away from loading ramp to avoid small amounts of gas and oil free the green fighter(bass)
  3. what type of bank,what area,did u catch anymore
  4. i just had to put one on weds nite,19.5 bass boat trailer,the bearing were really hot and throwing grease on wheel,if u pull the wheel and race holder,you should see correct number of bearing assembly,mine was 60 bucks at oreillys,i highly recommend checking them,my whole wheel was ready to come off,i got lucky
  5. crankbait
  6. what color 6xd and how deep on the cramk
  7. over the years i have got to fish with or against many on mlf, I drew mike mcclelland in 1997 table bassmaster open at table rock,back then is was pro paired with pro,split fishing spots,i was in control of boat 4 hrs him 4 hrs,we elected to c-rig kim city area with zoom 6 inch lizards,that was was his area,i wanted to go up kings to muddy water and crankbait fish i had found,being april both patterns was good,we c-rigged all day,i matched him fish for fish except every once in awhile he would pick up a fluke or redfin and start throwing it quickly,bluebirds days are not very good topwater days,he he jumped ahead of me with a 4lber,finally at the end of the day a cloud past over sun, for a couple of minutes and he grabs his topwater ,fished it for a few minutes and put it up,that was the difference between a great day and good day,a small narrow window to catch a topwater fish,that i had missed,thats the difference between a great fisherman and a good one
  8. cotton mouth seen a bunch over the years,peach orchard cove and around virgin bluff seem to be the highest numbers of cottonmouths,on the other end of lake,from state line bluff to cricket creek,i have the seen the most in that area . the most cottonmouths,i have seen 4 0r 5 in same trip i am on edge, night fishing over in that area
  9. you give out great info about the rock,i always look forward to your comments
  10. thank you ,that bait looks like it could used flipping,carolina rig
  11. what kind of creature or crawdad lure is that
  12. if the news people was trying to get a story what would you say or do,once again i will say with my wife and i being cancer survivors,i hope that he is doing well,lets just wish him well in the ozarks.
  13. its nice to see him enjoying our area,based on some reports he is dealing with cancer, my thoughts are for a full recovery,and he is a talented actor and i wish for quick recovery
  14. yes,5 fish limit 21 lbs won and 16 lbs and above to place in top 5, around 40 some boats
  15. i fished with greg ,in 1998 his first pro am,i was the pro he was the co angler,we went up the kings river,i threw a wiggle wart and he threw a spinnerbait,we both both caught fish,i told him to throw towards the front of the boat and he did,if i could not catch them with a crankbait maybe he could with a spinnerbait,He was a nice guy to fish with then,i have got talk to him few times since,he has been a class act every time i talked to him.
  16. fill livewell almost to top.close that water off,add two bags of ice,add catch and release,add two lid fulls of hydrogen peroxide,small cap fulls of peroxide,turn to recirculate,run full time,i also have a 360 gph bilge with a hose an a sprayer on the end running in live well full time in hottest months,i used plastic ties to hold the sprayer slightly above water line for more oxygen,this set up will save your fish
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