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    Chesnut Ridge, MO
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    Fishing, Hunting, Baseball, Basketball, Missouri State sports, Biking, Hiking, and anything else outdoors.

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  1. Well, the one on the boat is the true OEM part. I was just trying to find a look a like to compare (as, in researching, there was a crapton of control boxes out there it seemed). Mercury did finally come back w/ the replacement part # and schematics this morning for disassembly. Going to review and see if this is out of my wheelhouse or not.
  2. Duly noted. That's the way I was leaning, too, but wanted to be sure. Thanks again!
  3. Yep. That one in the link is a dead ringer for the one on the boat currently. I'm still basically set on that being the problem child. I plan on trying to get the switch at the cowl unplugged tomorrow if I can make it home with some daylight to spare (just to see if I can coax the crazy thing to do it one more time while I'm there). But like I said, I'm almost dead positive it's in that throttle control. I guess I did have one other question for @fishinwrench... Is it pretty much a dead set point that I need to replace the switch at this point? Or can this be resolved with disassembly, cleaning and reassembly? I sent an email to Mercury but their response was, we'll say, slightly south of helpful. Not sure what I should be asking for/looking for once I get it in. I've seen a little of both in trying to research this issue. Again, lots of thanks to the sage advice on this board.
  4. OK. Well - makes me at least feel better about what may have caused it. Thanks for the details on this one!
  5. Thanks, Wrench! I had that suspicion and was 99.99% sure that was the next move. I had done a lot of reading on that last night that kind of alluded to the same (but some said a "sticky" rocker could cause it, thus the QD move). I could only find a few, somewhat shoddy details on other forums with deconstruct for actually checking the switch/connections (which is the part that scares the bejeezus out of me being that it's at the throttle control). Making an appointment asap to get it back in and hopefully get it resolved. Another question... can these draw moisture even when covered? I almost always have the boat covered except when in use. For future reference, should I be doing something else to help? Thanks for answering all the questions!
  6. Hey all... Long time, no post (sadly... no recent fishing to be posting about). I've ran in to a maddening problem that I can't seem to figure out. Here's the deal... my Xpress has a 2016 Mercury 90hp 4 stroke on it. I'm having an issue where the tilt/trim is kicking on by itself and trimming the motor up. Luckily, I think I caught it fairly quickly (at least the actuator hadn't went up in a cloud of smoke). Today, I decided I was going to dig in to this some. I unplugged the tilt/trim switch at the front of the boat and left unplugged. Hooked up the battery and nothing, or so I thought. About an hour later the thing kicks on again. This time I check the switch on the motor itself. Doesn't seem to have any condensation issues that I can visibly see, but I couldn't figure out how to actually unplug the switch (still looking for diagrams now; was a little nervous to screw something up). I also decided to take a look at the switch on the throttle. It seemed like it may be sticking a bit so I thought I might try cleaning it up. But, for the love of all things good, I can't figure out how to access the switch itself to clean and check the connections (short of taking the whole throttle control assembly apart). Here's an idea of what it looks like: https://www.vevor.com/products/vevor-side-mount-remote-control-box-881170a15-mercury-console-premium-8-pi?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3-yQBhD3ARIsAHuHT67QSTaP4sAHRSRamJ7pCPnSWXq3eT_x29gEhqK7iPPnCKcfVWPPOaAaAhyFEALw_wcB. So... spray the rocker switch on the throttle down with some QD electrical cleaner. Hook up the battery. For about an hour, all is well. Then... the blasted thing goes fill trim in (completely opposite of EVERY time I've had the issue so far). That makes me think that the issue is at that spot. So asking those with far more marine knowledge than I a few (probably dumb) questions: What's more likely? The issue is at the switch/rocker in the throttle assembly, the motor, or the relays? If in the throttle assembly, is there some magic way to access the switch/rocker? Is there a better way of cleaning this up? Any other places on these that I should be checking? Sorry - still pretty new to the boating game, especially beyond the basic maintenance topics. Thanks in advance!
  7. Hot dog! Thanks, Paco!
  8. Thanks, @James! I figured that was likely the case.
  9. Anyone over in Forsyth or who’s been over the bridge that can tell me if the River Run side is open yet with the water dropping?
  10. I put in at Rockaway, too. Saw several there around the ramp and the mouth of bull there. Tossed a little of everything… Ned, senko, spinnerbait, chatter bait, swimbait… nothing. I even got wild and threw a buzzbait hoping I might just make one angry (but I figured I was just burning calories at that point, 😆)
  11. Tuesday, I was coming home from Springfield and saw a very nice, albeit very large ski boat that was flipped on the ramp from James river to 65 southbound. Brand spanking new… looked like it had never seen water. It made me sick for the guy at first knowing that was probably several thousand dollars on its side. But then I got to questioning why the heck he wanted to even bring it down to begin with. Not sure if the exact size but it had to be pushing 30’ (I thought it was a camper at first). It’s getting wild what people can a) blow their money in and b) want to even put on this lake.
  12. Warm day yesterday. Got away from the house much later than anticipated. Was going to head to Aunts Creek but with very limited time decided to take the closer to home option to maximize water time. Fishing was SLOW for the warm water species. There many of the regular items with very little in the way of even a sniff. Had taken a can of earthworms to possibly dunk for some trout and decided to throw at some bedding salad plate sized gills. Caught about a dozen of those but still slower than I would of thought. The crazy thing is that I could see lots of fish. Usually that bodes well but I struggled. Could it be all the cold water? Bass fishing was a non-starter. Trout fishing was pretty good, though.
  13. I've done both. From the kayaking perspective, I agree that I for one wouldn't want to be out in busier traffic lanes. There are so many new boaters that I just don't even feel comfortable at times in the 'yak out on bodies of water that receive much boat traffic. Just the other day I was out in the boat, fishing a fairly skinny creek when two guys came blasting up the creek, full tilt. Had there been a kayak in that water way, I'm not sure the guys would have been able to slow down as fast as they were going and taken reasonable evasive action. It made me a little sick knowing how many times I've watched kayaks and smaller boats frequent that area. On the flip side, having finally been able to purchase a boat, I also understand the perspective of folks who don't want all that traffic. I try to obey all the rules of the road when out in mine. Kayaks being out in the main channels on busy waterways can make it difficult to navigate if you are in a skinny section of water. I personally haven't ran in to this scenario yet, but I can see how that would happen. Bottom line is, we all play a part in each other's safety. Kayakers need to be aware of their surroundings and take appropriate safety precautions. Boaters need to be observant, too. Disclaimer: I know... I have a soft spot in my heart for the guys in the 'yaks. I was tethered to one because it's all I could afford as a broke college kid. Just remember that before we talk down on them too hard; it's the same generation we are constantly saying needs to be outside doing this sport...
  14. Haven't been down in a while, but my guess is that you'd probably have to launch from the road right now. I was there back on the 26th and the ramp was usable then but the water was hitting it a little high on the ramp. It's about 14' higher than it was then, so my gut says it'd be completely sunk and back up to the road by now. If you try it, I'd love to hear a report. Been itching to get back out but between the nasty weather and to-do lists, I haven't been out as much as I'd like.
  15. x2. I love a good mess of crappie, catfish, bluegill, (insert panfish name) but only every once in a while. I also agree - it's a royal pain in the butt to clean them some days. It might be lazy, but cleaning a fish is one part of that particular game that I never look forward to. So - catch and keep most of the time, but toss 'em back more often than not!
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