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Everything posted by techo

  1. techo


    Donna, were you guys out today?
  2. We didn't get going until late, but was still cloudy when we started. We put in at Aunt's Creek.. I love that place. The nice old fella is manning the shack at the entry and always friendly. It seems to have grown in popularity since I last fished though. We turned right out of Aunts Creek. Fished a cove and caught a couple of shorts on top water. One on red fin one on Sammy. Clouds disappeared and so did the bite. Headed up lake and caught a white bass, a gar and several K's. A few on shaky, most on green fire tiger square bill. The gar broke my treble hook. Returned to Aunt's Creek and loaded the boat. I heard a loud noise coming from the boat area. I stopped and all of my lug nuts on both trailer wheels were loose. Luckily I had a tire iron ready as I had just had a valve stem replaced on one of the tires and had just put it back on. Seemed odd every nut on both wheels were loose especially as I had just put one tire back on...but maybe I am just paranoid. Back at it tomorrow!
  3. I still cruise the board, just don't fish enough to add much. Taking a week off in a few to live in the Skeeter again. See you in Aunts Creek! Staying tuned for wrench's response.
  4. techo

    Aunts creek

    Have always worn Oakleys but not holding up like they used to. Costas better?
  5. Seems like a few people owe you a tow or two.
  6. Jim helped me get into the Pro/Ams. Super nice guy!
  7. Gosh! I stay away for a few weeks and everyone sends people to my place? The Cows would be a fun easy trip from KC.
  8. I hate it if the phone even rings when I talk the Mrs into nesting......but if you used bacon for bait I might be tempted
  9. We were on the lake about 7 and off by about 1:30. We caught 9 fish. I saw a bunch on the graph that were around 15 feet but we caught all of ours in about 6 feet again. Three on the shaky head and 6 on the green fire tiger square bill. Mostly fished Piney Creek and Buzzard area. We couldn't fish right today for some reason and it seemed slow. I am not sure if it was the wind change, cooler morning air temps or what. We caught them throughout the week on transition banks and secondary points. I saw boats everywhere from bluff walls to main points to trees. I am not sure if they were having success. Equipment Notes: I picked up a Tilley hat last year as grew tired of having the skin cancer cut off every six months. It saved the ears but nose still needs a generous dose of sun block. Highly recommend the comfortable Tilley. It turns out they do in fact float. It has been a while since I fished much and had trouble with the baitcasters on the smaller baits. I kind of forgot why I quit using the spinning reels and switched to baitcasters. I appreciate the reports and tips on the forum. It helped to assure a visiting friend had some form of success on the lake. Thanks for sharing the info!
  10. Might be early for the red fin. We caught two this week on it but probably a few weeks early. Table rock is funny as what works one day is not as great the next. Most guys recommend the pearl fluke, the shaky head, the white grub tail this time of year but you never know. We had great luck with a green fire tiger square bill and I doubt many guys would have tried it. I just did as we were getting bit but not getting the hook set right and it was fun.
  11. denjac is naughty!
  12. Put in at Aunt's Creek a little late...about 8:30. We fished from Jackson Hollow to Piney Creek. could not get a bite on the shaky head but caught two on the white grub. Caught over 20 on the green square bill. Fish usually came off a shelf a few feet off the bank. At one point we caught seven fish almost in a row with the square bills. It was a good breeze off and on. Hopefully tomorrow will be as fun.
  13. Nice fish, headed our now
  14. Wow! Any fish left in the lake? A nice week of fishing. Probably helped that the little one chummed so many minnows!
  15. Whew! Glad someone else caught them on the red fin too! Nice day.
  16. We were on the lake at 6:30. I wanted to make sure we had a good pattern for my friend's visit so we managed to book Captain Don House for a little lesson on fishing. We caught around 20 fish with the largest probably around 2.5-3 pounds. All fish were Kentucky or LM. All fish were very shallow and we saw a lot of small fish on beds. We put in at Aunts Creek (of course) and fished from Jackson Hollow to Mills Creek. All fish were caught on a shaky head. I did throw the Sammy at a few fish busting the service but no takers. I would recommend Don House to anyone wanting to book a guide. He has a nice deep Skeeter boat, good equipment (I never thought I would say that about another man) and is extremely sociable. I tend to run on the quiet side so he that was a plus for my visiting friend. Another good day on Table Rock. Hopefully it is still going tomorrow.
  17. We put a little after 6 AM and returned a little after 3 PM. We caught 14. the first two were on Red Fin. Later we caught two blue gills and one crappie. The first was a small mouth, one large mouth and the rest Ks. Most were caught on white grub tail with a few wiggle warts. The wife tied on some weird red spilt jointed rappala thing and caught three with it. Almost all of the fish were in about 6-8 feet of water. Awesome day of fishing out of .....Aunts Creek. Going tomorrow if no lightening
  18. Good looking family and great report! Love the kid. Any chance you rent her out? Miss ours when they were little.
  19. A bit frustrated by that news. Locals cant fish the lake on the summer weekends as it is filled with big boats and tourists. Not knocking them just they way it is. I am glad they spend their money here. Fished Aunt's two weeks ago and hadn't purchased the yearly parking pass yet. I was going to pay the $4 but there were no envelopes to throw my four dollars in. So I used a five and wrote my plate on it. Wrote on an old napkin that I had thrown a fiver in the pot but there were no envelopes and left that on my dash. They came around checking the parking fees as I was leaving. Point is they don't have time to fill the envelopes but do have time to check to make sure you paid. It is a pretty well kept secret that Aunt's Creek is my favorite place to fish and put the boat in. So I will spill the beans...There are fish there but the huge reason is the ramp or ramps. There are two ramps with the farthest one being able to put three boats in or out at a time if people back up right. I don't use the closest ramp but I think two boats can be put in at a time there too. Way more parking than Cape Fair or Mills Creek. Cape Fair is one boat at a time with limited parking. Mills Creek can handle two boats at a time depending on who it is. From Aunt's Creek it is easy to drive up toward Flat Creek or down toward KC. It is the best ramp I have used on Table Rock. I hope they reconsider. If they build me a little place there I would live there for free and guard it for them.
  20. techo

    No Mas

    dragging Carolina rigged baits off the back always seems to work. Funny how the Mrs. out fishes me doing that while I'm working hard on casting off the front. congrats on the win!
  21. Yes sir! Has been out some lately finally. No fish like yours though. Looks like they are moving up in the bush some.
  22. Troy! Its cools. long week of work this week then will be living in Aunts Creek starting Saturday for a week of vacation. Looking forward to it. Your post makes the anticipation even greater! Sweet fish.
  23. Oh gosh
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