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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by techo

  1. Nice fish!
  2. Sorry brother. Haven't fished much in last five years but point ten is always good. Even closer is the cove across from the ramp at Aunt's Creek , South to Railroad Cove is good. North to Jackson Hollow is also usually a good place to try. In general anywhere you see a bank go from rock to sand (transition banks) and then start at 18-20 feet and move out from there should generate at least Kentuckies or better. There is a little island before Jackson Hollow that you should be able to pick a few up on depending on wind direction and if the dam is pulling. Best of luck to you.
  3. techo


    I live here and have a friend coming down in April. We always get a guide to take us out the first part of the week and copy that technique/pattern the rest of the week to help make sure my friend has a fun week. Sometimes the pattern works most of the week sometimes it doesn't. Last few times Babler took us out. Small price to pay to fish four hours with him to help make the next 40+ more of a successful catching week.
  4. techo


    Hey RPS....I think I saw your truck with the white OAF sticker on the back window but cant remember if it was as Aunts Creek yesterday or where.
  5. The faded orange ones on my motor are needing to be covered up. Thanks for the hard work.
  6. techo


  7. Took a vacation day to go fishing. My trolling motor was acting funny yesterday so I took it apart to find all kinds of rust. Now I either have to drop $6-700 on a new trolling motor or find someone brighter than I to fix it and put it back together. We ended up taking a friends boat instead of the lil Skeeter. We put in at Cape Fair about 6:30 and no one else was at the ramp. When we pulled out at about 11:30 the parking lot was full. Kind of slow at first but eventually the wind kicked up and we caught small kentuckies in 18-20 feet of water. All were caught on the white grub trail. I used a brown jig head and that seemed to work the best. You wouldn't thing it would matter much on color of jig head but I usually use red and when I used my regular red color no bites, when I used brown we caught fish. Another fun day on Table Rock!
  8. No fish in Aunts Creek. I hear the area over by Shell Knob is hot right now and a very pretty boat ride.
  9. Ha! Bazinga Champ
  10. You did better than us in the catching department!
  11. techo


    The wife and I went out late morning to mid-afternoon. We were mostly getting the boat checked out. We put in at Aunt's Creek (of course) and went up to point 13 and fished transition banks in that area. Threw the wart, white tube and I always throw the Eakins jig. We didn't even get a bite but what a fabulous afternoon. I talked to three other boats and one bank fisherman and all had poor luck as well. Felt great to be on the lake.
  12. Nice fish!
  13. Golf?
  14. Great! Hope to be in Aunts tomorrow! Miss you guys.
  15. Had a friend hit that pillar a few years back and knocked the lower off the motor. Cost a bit. You have to go closer to the shore there than I am comfortable with to hit it though.
  16. ditto.
  17. Taking the Skeeter in for a checkup so hope the water warms up and reports change a bit. Highly recommend a day with Bill on the water. He even beat the jinx my friend and I have when we fish together.
  18. motion sensor lights sometimes help.
  19. Would the electronics happen to have waypoints marked on it?
  20. No one is a stranger with Bill around. Bout time for another lesson!
  21. Wishing I was fishing in Aunt's Creek tomorrow! Sorry for the BPS bashing but seems to be the way of it. I agree with you whole heartedly, if you don't love Charlie Campbell then there is something wrong with you. When I fished the AM side of Pro/Am always hoped for him. My friend was lucky enough to fish with him and Charlie's wife packed sandwiches for both of them! I have been to a couple of seminars where Charlie and his partner spoke. They make you feel like you are sitting around the campfire as they tell stories. Amazingly great folks.
  22. It is probably no secret it is farily close to Aunt's Creek !
  23. It is funny how you give different names to places by the experiences you have. We still go to fish near naked girl bluff even though I never remember ever catching a fish there. Buzzard Branch is aptly named as we always see buzzards there. When are you coming over Joe?
  24. if it is the same Lovan, he used to sell boats at BPS in Springfield when they were where the fishing department is now. A heck of a nice guy. He was sponsored by Nitro/BPS in the past.
  25. Must be a heck if a reel to get people to trade out those Curados.
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