When FFS first became a thing I was hired to install one. After doing so I took it out and experimented with it, getting the settings right and so-on. My first impression was "OMG I have to have this!". And if they'd only been 6-700.00 I probably would have immediately ordered one.
But after thinking about it for awhile I realized that I did NOT want that in my life. And since I only fish the occasional derby, and I'm not truly serious about it when I do....I certainly don't NEED it.
Probably my biggest concern is what it will do to smaller bodies of water. The fish populations in those 15-300 acre lakes are doomed.
It pisses me off that the anglers that COULD SPEAK UP and get the point across, like Nixon, Clunn, KVD, ect. just stay quiet..... afraid to get themselves into the "old fart" camp. They really let us down on this one. Randy Blauket is the only one not afraid to speak his mind and TRY.