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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. POP? Shiiiiit too.....Y'all have obviously never played in one of these... http://www.avoninflatables.co.uk/ If you can pop it I'll eat it without a chaser. On behalf of it's very proud owner, Thanks
  2. Great for drys, swinging soft hackles, and stripping streamers just under the surface. And I use them exclusively for my warmwater FFing if I'm not throwing a sinking head. Not so great for nymphing if you want split shot above the tippet.
  3. Brook trout and concrete should never co-exist.
  4. "5 to 10" is an exaggeration, but nevertheless...... Stick around for the weigh-ins and see how often any of those guys take a good check. It might seem like the "closest logical holding spot"...but bass aren't "logical" very often.
  5. Well it wouldn't be valuable info to ME because I don't own a gps unit, and all the brushpiles I'm interested in are the ones I can see, or have planted or found myself that just so happen.to be in the area I plan to fish during competition days. Covering some miles to hit a milkrun of someones cached brushpiles just guarantees that it'll have nothing but a pair of dinks on it when you get there. That might be the bread/butter style of a guide who wants to get a client bit, but it is more often than not poor management of time for a tournament angler.
  6. That's ok, I'll forget that one and respond to the other One of the first steps to becoming a successful tournament angler is closing yourself off from "dock talk". Chasing leads that you hear about is one of the most repeated surefire ways to waste your practice time. So missing out on forum chatter is actually not a disadvantage at all. Spending time pissing and moaning about closed website, or cliques that won't share info instead of standing on the deck with a rod in your hand....now THAT'S a disadvantage imposed on ones self.
  7. That's retarded. Your "local pro" will never make it with that attitude. Maybe he should try golf.
  8. Is this Brookie copepod control method WORKING or was this just somebodys idea of a cool thing to try, and nobody knows yet ?
  9. It's going to be interesting how they pick a jury on this one.... Have you ever enjoyed floating a river? Yes. "You're out". Are you, or anyone close to you a property owner? Yes. "You're out". I don't believe this will ever go to trial, the lawyer(s) will bleed him dry of all available funds and property before it ever gets to trial and he'll have no option but to agree to a plea bargain.
  10. It's scary to think that you can be legally shot and killed on a river if the shooter says "he was fixin' to throw a rock at me". Hell, someone could float down a river on a busy weekend and mow down everyone they come across. "It was a nice quiet float once I took care of all those rock throwing basturds." LOL
  11. Yeah! Lights big enough so that you don't have to fish in the dark. We heard how well THAT went over after the last bowfishing tourney.
  12. Oh Geeze, yeah, if you're into a mess of yellow bellied bullheads you're bummin'. They aren't even fit for a buzzard. The only yellow meat on a channel cat is from around his dorsal fin. If the whole fillet is yellow then something ain't right.
  13. Guys, Up until the time the trigger was squeezed there was no document, or ruling indicating that it wasn't his property. If he says that it was his property and free of easement then the burden of proof is on the state. So I guess his property survey is gonna determine the degree of his crime ?
  14. Owning property does not give you the right to blow someones face off for walking across your lawn. If so there'd be a serious shortage of Jehovah witnesses and paper boys.
  15. Not really, F&F. All the defense has to point out and make understood is that river-front landowners as a whole DO INDEED BELIEVE that they own the gravel bars, and that no official document of any kind has ever indicated differently. See where I'm going here? This may very well be a test of the castle law, but all it does is secure and further complicate the elimination of the gray area regarding river rights.
  16. Bo, "that's irrelevant", is going to be the official answer to that. But just to satisfy I'll offer up a few possibilitys : He was dodging a herd of swimming buffalo. He was swatting at a horsefly. He was verifying the depth contour reading of a map he had looked at once upon a time. Pick one and get past that trivial factoid, because you'll never prove that he was trying to scare you and took it upon himself to teach you a lesson.
  17. Crocker's defense, that he "believed" he was defending his property (whether he was or not) is valid per the gray area that has been allowed to exist. And now someone has lost their life because of the "gray area". The way I see it the gray area can never be decided upon and a concrete ruling made concerning river rights going forward. Using this incident to sway the decision either way is not right, but NOW..... that has become impossible to avoid. Am I wrong?
  18. Yeah that has to be subject to proof that you KNEW another vessel was there. They (another vessel) may be fishing within 50' of the bank nearby too, therefore No Lights/No Noise/No Knowledge of another vessel. Whaddaya know....yet another Gray Area
  19. Oh I know how they get from Oklahoma to Warsaw. They are crawling into bingo bags.
  20. Joe, Are you implying that you are the only one that doesn't know which creeks "those creek" are ? Knife branch, Spoon creek, and Salad fork.
  21. Plenty of folks not using flouro, but I'm not one of them. Does it make a difference ? I've become rather fond of flouro's abrasion resistance. However, I don't buy into the whole invisible theory, nor the fast sinking claims either. Specialty "tippet material" is a bit more refined (slightly more consistent in diameter throughout the spool, and is wrapped onto the spools in a way that avoids twists, minuscule kinks, and anal crap like that) and I do use it on 5x and thinner stuff. But for anything 4x and heavier I do fine with Trilene 100% flouro, or P-line Flouro and buy it in 250-300 yard spools. The greatest thing about REAL "tippet material" is the handy little spools.....So much handier than carrying a 250 yard bulk spool around. So I buy and use just enough Rio Flouroflex Plus @ 15.00 per 30 yards so that I have handy little pocket sized spools to refill with "other stuff".
  22. Trying to fish with a light in your face is a drag, I don't night fish anymore but when I did the lights we're off, and I didn't worry about it because the areas where I did my fishing was not an area where anyone cruised around. If I was gonna sit out on a mainlake point or somewhere like that then I'd not only have ny lights on I'd have a maglite on the dash to flash anyone that I felt didn't notice me.
  23. Oh c'mon, Easy now! There ARE other objects afloat that do not/will not have lights on them. Some are anchored (no wake buoys), others are adrift (logs, hoists, boats, and Complete Docks with hoists and boats still attached that have come unbuttoned), so a boater should NOT expect to be able to run at max legal speed through the darkness expecting that anything else out there is going to be lit up like a runway. Common sense (and/or the lack of it) works both ways.
  24. Teddy, you might consider joining one of the bass clubs as a non-boater, you'll likely learn a lot and make a bunch of friends.
  25. Running lights if you are underway, Anchor light if not. Right?
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