So RPS - watching the Olympics I gained an even higher level of respect for Rugby players. Some of those women are TOUGH. Did you see anything memorable happen there?
Here is the real deal for anyone who wants it. Mitch has been a thorn in the side of this forum like forever. If all it takes for him to leave forever is me not be a moderator it's a great deal for us all. I'm taking it and anybody who knows me knows what I say I mean. It's been both fun and a PIA. BUT. With mitch gone I really think the need for moderation at all will decline to negligible. I love this forum and Phil knows it. Most of you guys do too.
Take it up with Phil. And Jeff. I'm 100% in favor and just so everyone knows, the only PM related to this is between Phil and I with my moderator resignation.
Good luck, that was what I had in mind. It's just not Phil's way. And yeah, take over. I've thought about it and the best I've come up with is delete every post from the problem children as soon as they appear. If I could get away with that things would not be the way they are today.