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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. We used to road hunt raccoons at night, run them down, kick them toothy things into submission and box them up for skinning later. Hides were worth money then. Might have road hunted a few rabbits when the snow was on. There was no waste. Did it to eat during college.
  2. I think the 10/22 comments are more related to cheap, plentiful, quick follow up, and not the rifle that you're afraid to get knocked around a little. .22 LR isn't normally considered a 100 yard round, mostly due to exterior ballistics. If you zero at 50 yards, they drop somewhere around 5 to 6 inches at 100 yards and wind moves them around pretty good too. By comparison, .22WMR zeroed at 50 yards drops less than 2 inches. That's easily the difference between a hit and a miss. Sure you can hold over with .22LR but you need to practice to know how much at various ranges.
  3. Happy New Year to all my OAF friends, be you face to face friends or guys I've only gotten to know on the forum. Wishing you all the best in 2019, good health, good fishing and hunting, success at work and happiness at home with your families.
  4. I've killed dozens and dozens of armadillos, with the terriers and without. Never seen diarrhea as a defense mechanism. They do jump impressively and think that has something to do with all the road kills, jumping up just in time to get hit. They are not hard to kill. I'm 66 and won't be running any of them down. It's hard to get cheaper than a loaner. 10/22 will work fine.
  5. I shoot armadillos with 1 1/4 oz of #5 lead at about 1300 FPS. I figure an effective range of about 40 yards. No ricochet worries or about hitting one of the cows out in the pasture behind the house in case of a miss. Kill far more of them at night and usually inside 30 feet. For a 100 yard deal, I second the .22 WMR bolt action recommendation. The second shot comes fast enough and the bolt guns are usually more accurate. They are for sure robust. Mine is a stainless 77/22 with the old boat paddle stock. 2x7 Leupold compact scope. It's a real favorite. For armadillo and groundhogs out to 100 yards where you're not looking for head shots a fixed 4x would be fine.
  6. Great post. Love this Earth.
  7. I was a pretty fair caller when set up where the ducks wanted to be. By being a pretty fair caller in those situations I mean I could actually be quiet. And same with you on inexpensive calls. Killed more than a few ducks with Faulks WA 33 and Yentzen sure shot calls. Both were about ten dollars at the time. Reading birds in the air is almost as important as anything else in duck hunting, along with the ability to sit still.
  8. Jester's fish is still swimming AFAIK. I was yanking your chain about the autopsy.
  9. History Channel would be my guess.
  10. Well, I was joking but I do know that big fish eat everything they can and scuds grow them fast.
  11. I autopsied that fish and he had a belly full of scuds. They're just eating machines. Probably would have bit a cigarette butt.
  12. It is. But put a top shelf call in the hands of an accomplished caller and there is a difference.
  13. Or is it maybe because those fish eat more scuds than anything else in the water column?
  14. It's an heirloom. But you should also use it. With a double loop lanyard, don't want anything going kerplop from that one.
  15. Nowhere close in durability though. Glass is a little heavier, but well worth it if you ask me.
  16. I agree with amber for fishing. Gray for driving.
  17. Boog's calls made from hedge are world class collectibles. I've held and blown a few but never owned one. When I was serious about waterfowling, I became a big believer in the handmade acrylic calls. The best one I had was made and signed by Jeff Foiles. Cost me 0$, won it in a drawing at a DU banquet in Jefferson City. Wait. Did I say 0$ for being at a DU banquet?
  18. Costa, Maui Jim. Talk to your eye guy and get what he says is my best advice. Mine is free and well worth the price. His is not free and also most likely worth the price.
  19. I've said it before and I'll say it again now. There's a reason oyster shelfs are on the cover of the Missouri Mushroom Guide. Glad you found them. Back in the '80's when I worked for Union Electric, we were electrofishing on the Missouri River about this time of year. Got out to take a break a mile or so above Labadie. It had flooded a couple of years previous, The place we got out was covered with dead willows and sycamore, down everywhere. They weren't big, most about four to six inch trunks, They were covered with oyster shelf. Three of us filled trash bags with them. Ate. froze, gave away and just had way too many to deal with. Never have seen the like since. But they are good fall/early winter producers. You do have to find them fast, the deer and every other living thing in the woods will eat them as soon as they find them.
  20. You're as harsh as mother nature.
  21. Boiled linseed and penetrol will never peel. It will only soak in and preserve.
  22. I'm this silly person who thinks boiled linseed oil cut 50 50 with penetrol is the deal for keeping wood the way it needs to be. it's going to be difficult to mess it up with that net.
  23. Those BassNapper jigs were early quality stuff for crappie, whites and trout. Good ties they were.
  24. I'm right there with you. No worries.
  25. It does. It does!
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