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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I don't have stress but I'm definitely a carrier.
  2. I spent a lifetime working or managing others working outdoors. My takeaway when it comes to weather is adjust to what's actually occurring. If I had called off jobs every time the weatherman said boo I'd need to work another ten years.
  3. Cause I'm a smarty pants and can't be serious for more than five minutes at a stretch and also I love the phrase "fake news", especially when it's clearly not.
  4. Fake news.
  5. Flouro. There's your problem. Try the p-line flouro clear, no joke. I have my share of issues with straight fluorocarbon line - multi brands - too. And not always at the knot. You do know the p-line is only flouro coated correct?
  6. How does he feel about getting tased? Tickles a little bit maybe?
  7. There's a story for you.
  8. I fished all weekend long with 6 lb nano tied with crazy alberto to 6 lb p line flouro clear and didn't break off ever unless it was bottom. And then it was 50 - 50 at the jig or at the nano-leader. You need to practice your knot tying skills son.
  9. If anyone wonders about pepper spray or taser, they can come to my house and I will help you decide if either one works. Bring your own spray and your own taser. Being related to LEO who get to experience both in training, I have an idea how it will go. CS was all I ever had and it was plenty.
  10. This is not going to be well received but that's seldom a consideration for me. I think carrying a gun gives a lot of those who do carry a gun a false sense of security. They are exceptionally seldom used in self defense and require a lot of training, practice and a mindset that most just do not have.
  11. It was a good day when I met John Folly. Godspeed in Maryland. And you never know who might show up in your neck of the woods. Me? You? Us? Them?
  12. Why does your wife want this gun? If I may be so bold.
  13. There's always duck McNuggets in mushroom soup over rice. Cubed nuggets dredged in seasoned flour, fried about half done and then into mushroom soup. Make some brown and wild rice and put the duck and gravy over the rice. It is dang good and super easy and the duck stays tender so long as you don't fry it too long. Hot grease and a quick brown is the ticket.
  14. That fish has an unusually long tongue.
  15. Turkeys eat bats don't they? I'm certain they would if they got the chance.
  16. I thought at first you were being disrespectful to sugarbritches. But no.
  17. That's a very nice net. Use it in good health for many years to come! And then pass it along again.
  18. Never trust a weatherman. Never. Ever.
  19. I'm very happy that both groups had a great time. Sorry to have missed those of you that I missed. But you know what they say. "There's always next year"!
  20. We caught a lot of fish and had a good time. Looking forward to next year already.
  21. Really? Did I say "Aww man"?
  22. It's hard to tell a really great steak from a good one until it's on the plate. Grading is one thing. It's quite another to raise, handle and finish your own beef and have it processed at a place that knows how and will do it to your specifications. If you think the best steaks in the USA are available at meat markets, you are mistaken, unless you are buying $50 per pound wagyu,, which is for sure out there.
  23. To quote an old Dr. Hook song- "Aww man, that's beautiful"
  24. Am I the only person who knows how to do their own google work? Look it up fer cryin out loud!
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