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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Or just ask Phil. Whatever is easiest for you.
  2. Check out Ozarks Clean Water Company, Ozarks Environmental Services and Ozarks Water Watch websites. You'll see what real people can do to fix real problems in real time. Proud to work with David and all of the above before and after retirement.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks the length and shape of those baits looks super right?
  4. Everybody thought I was black! Well, a lot of people who didn't know me anyway....
  5. David Casaletto.
  6. Good luck!
  7. Nice Dad! Fish OK too.
  8. Memes are fun!
  9. LD is not my choice for a BS police force member.
  10. I was Horace in the Conservation Café. That place was fun!
  11. I've been way down the Jack Russell Terrier road and this is my screen name across the net. The avatar is some guy's fishing stuff in a canoe. To prove I'm trying to mend my wayward nature.
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Ritz crackers with a dab of peanut butter and some strawberry preserves with a glass of cold milk is the bedtime snack of Kings.
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Cottage cheese is a staple at our house. Especially so in the summertime.
  14. You have to be some kind of wierdo with that going on and still no blue pill.
  15. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    A juicy lucy on buttered toasted bun with housemade Amish dills and Heinz 57. Side of tomato, onion and cucumber salad in red wine vinegar. And a Yuengling Traditional Lager.
  16. You're not out of line, just wrong. My theory is different than yours. It goes like this. You can't please everybody so don't even try. Just do the best you can and show up every day. In the long run, it works. At least it did for me.
  17. Every big fish started out as a little fish. The little ones actually give me better goosebumps cause who knows what the future holds? Blue heron? Smallmouth bass? Or plenty of midges and some years? I love mother nature.
  18. We need a garden update. NOW.
  19. I'm with you man. Much better than the rocking chair. Stay after the rabbit!
  20. You need a garden. 1. Very little gas required. 2. Worms! 3. She will love it! 4. She will never go there. Think man pasture instead of man cave. 5. It will give you something else boring to post about like the rest of us gardeners. 6. Worms!
  21. Larry Dablemont.
  22. The garden has done well. I just took inventory. So far I've put up 36 pints of pickles of various description, 20 pints of salsa and 10 quarts of plain canned tomatoes. There are 5 gallon bags of corn on the cob in the freezer. And it all just keeps coming. Two more big rows of corn that is tasseling now, spaghetti squash everywhere and no shortage of green beans. The tomato avalanche is in full swing.
  23. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=8_RIW829AYbQsAW174HYAg&q=bear+scats&oq=bear+scat&gs_l=psy-ab.1.3.0l10.1434.9160.0.15027. Could be.
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