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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. So. Is it true what they say about that big red N on the side of those football helmets? Welcome aboard. Good luck with your new boat.
  2. You need to change your screen name to limitouteverytimeigo.
  3. Debbie Harry still around and looking good for her age.
  4. Thanks for another trout recipe, I think I will give that a whirl. Glad you had a fun and safe trip. I've only fished Meramec a few times but liked it when I did. The history there is way cool.
  5. That's a heck of a fish. Nice job. And for what it's worth, I like that you are not afraid to talk about actually eating fish.
  6. Empire > Rockaway
  7. Look again. There are two stringers.
  8. Like that T-shirt you have on. Semper Fi.
  9. http://www.horseshoesonline.com/ I'd be careful about that if I were you.
  10. PIA to learn to tie that knot but when I finally did. It's the deal. Thanks to Ham for being such a hardhead about line and being so patient with me.
  11. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Huevos Ranchera on a snowy March morning.
  12. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your wife.
  13. Really good. Really really good and I am privileged to have been able to see him perform. But I have to say Marty was even better. Heck of a show.
  14. It's really not that cold. I wish I was there instead of here stuck in the house. But wife with the flu gets priority.
  15. I heard a song the other day about the devil not being lazy. Jealousy over such things as someone catching a nice fish is so sad and so petty. That song might have something to it.
  16. Nice fish.
  17. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'm marinating a half dozen chicken hindquarters overnight to put on the egg tomorrow. Marinade is basil, garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire, red wine, salt and pepper. Just right quantities of each. It's all in a big old SS bowl sitting in the egg outside tonight, too big to fit in the fridge.
  18. Looks good. Congratulations.
  19. If you think MDC has too many rules get into the water and wastewater business and then you can learn what it's like to need to please EPA, Missouri DNR, The Missouri Public Service Commission, your County Commission and your City Council. Often at the same time.
  20. Sincerely, John Gotti, III" ^^ Nice signature.
  21. Non compliance with a lot of regulations is definitely a problem. But around here we hate the government so much we won't allow anything like actual enforcement to happen. We're more interested in "freedom" than keeping others from messing up their neighbor's whatever you care to name.
  22. Have a great trip. It's an incredible river. Best of luck to you.
  23. Those high fence people are largely behind the current "open season on MDC" at the legislature. Oh and I agree in principle but also am a believer in someone being able to do what they want with their own land, as long as they obey the regulations. Problem with high fence operations is the lack of appropriate regulations.
  24. OK Ham so how do you know barbless hooks come out of you easier? Pics or I will not believe it.
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