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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I coat the prime rib with coarse salt and pepper a couple of hours before cooking. Get the kamado joe as hot as it will get. Put the prime rib on for a couple of minutes each side, then shut everything down. Give it a couple of hours that way and I bet you will like it.
  2. So are you going to be compliant or a hardhead who knows better than everybody else? My advice is do as you're told, its' helped me get over a lot of orthopedic issues, the last one being a dislocated hip. That brace wasn't any fun but I'm doing fine now. I wish you the best.
  3. He's talking about my moderator fu.
  4. It appears it's the Golden Eagle....
  5. So it really isn't the Indian after all huh.
  6. You can't leave well enough alone?
  7. Nowhere in this thread did anybody ask for any help or coaching up. Just sayin'.
  8. Terrierman


    Blame it on auto correct. That's what I would do.
  9. Terrierman


    Cognition is one of the first things to go....
  10. Terrierman


    Well if so many here share the same opinion, I'm not a hardhead, I'll give them a try.
  11. Terrierman


    Call me crazy, but I'm not ever getting a rib roast at Aldies. Harter House if you want good meat here in SGF.
  12. In a million years I'd never come up with a thought or comment like that. That's one strange way of looking at the world.
  13. I for one will never forget.
  14. They kill way more people than any other breed too. As mean as a chihuahua can be there are few fatalities from a FiFi attack. Maybe start licensing owners, never mind the dogs.
  15. BTW, I'm no pit hater. My daughter has one that is a real sweetie and I've known working pits that were simply amazing. One was a cadaver dog that found a drowning victim in the Missouri River.
  16. You should see the war face on our Dachsund/Min Pin cross. Small but mighty. In HER mind. The other dogs make her go away.
  17. I don't think there are enough gangsta's out there with pits to give them the lead they enjoy. I'm going with neglect and no training for a breed that doesn't do well with neglect and no training,
  18. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    We've got eggs running out our ears. So I decided to do smoked pickled Easter eggs for the upcoming family affair. My poor thumbnails are a mess, even after boiling them with vinegar and salt. 30 eggs to peel is a lot. Beech pellets in a tube smoker. Perfect day today for cold smoking. Three large jalapeno's sliced, a red onion, and a load of garlic. Just add eggs. They should be ready by Easter, no problem.
  19. In general that's true. BUT there are breeds that have statistics going against them.
  20. That's exactly why the Jack Russells are down to two old retirees here and there won't be any more. When they're young, they live to fight. Oneshot had stitches from his one. Back when I had working Russells the most we ever had - not counting puppies for sale - was thirteen. I had three fatal dog fights between them and more close calls. No more, thanks.
  21. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    One of our easy favorites. There'll also be roasted carrots, steamed cauliflower and maybe a baked potato - sweet or russet, who knows.
  22. As long as we're talking about memorably dangerous dogs - My main quail hunting buddy when we were growing up had a Collie - looked just like Lassie. She tolerated NOBODY unless one of her family was out and talked to her before anyone opened a truck door. I learned that lesson the hard way. Another one was some kind of dingo cattle dog cross - named Hog Dog for the obvious reason. She was fine as long as you didn't want to get in her truck. Another buddy had a Rottweiler. She ate her young. And then got moved on when the first child arrived and she didn't much like him either. Notice a trend here? Most of the dangerous dogs I've come across were females. And two of my female Jack Russells were pretty tough too. One of them actually learned how to get a snout bite and subdue coons and groundhogs. The other one just didn't care, took hold and stayed that way until dug to.
  23. Lemme see: California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa. Still shooting to catch one in Missouri.😵 So 23. Wait. How can I forget Kansas. 24
  24. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. Think about it. That fish that got off had to be near 5, at least.
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